So this week has been great, not too much happened. We had a zone meeting, went tracting, and ate a bunch. And worked out to counter act the eating. . . . you know, the usual. ha-ha. But yeah, those pictures were from like a year ago. But I’m working on sending home a memory card so you could just look at all those on the computer again, save them on there, then erase the card and send it back. Oh and you have to let me know if the videos I take have sound. It doesn’t have a speaker on my camera. ha-ha. Anyways. Transfers are next week. I’ll let you know what happens. I’m gonna go play some disc golf! ha-ha
Love you all!! Have a good week. Don’t die. . . physically. . . or spiritually. ha-ha
Elder Bragg
No jumping on the bed!

I guess that "free" stuff by the side of the road comes in handy for tried missionaries!

Trying to teach anyone who will listen, or can't move?

Colton is still Colton! What else would we expect?!

So is there a hidden trampoline in that last picture that we can't see? How did he get up so high and how did he land with breaking something... I guess we'll never know.
with out... not with...
Yep, I kept thinking the same thing. What or who did he jump off to get so high? Crazy kid! Glad he's still Colton though!!
Hey if that chair is still there after dark -- that'll be in my living room.
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