Wednesday, September 12, 2007


so i finally have time to put up some tictures... here are just a couple of them. there are plenty more but i fungured this was enough haha.


The UtahTrip

so this was out in the middle of some rest stop i was bored so i took a picture

this is me and sam im on the wall if you couldent


this is everybody at the conference center... well all the kids

i had too...

on the roof...

this is me and my papa!

as a king of the nights of meat lumbus. i felt that it was my duty to take this picture

suzanne goin for it at the byu game this is mom and i at the conference cente outside.

these were taken on the ride home with the shidmts...

we just caught the sunset on the salt flats


this is the vegas trip

so at the very start the car broke down... haha

this was taken in reno these are basically world famos stones that are in countless skate videos... so i had to.

this was taken at the all you can eat buffet in reno... cause if your in reno. you have to go to and all you can eat buffet

these were to really banged up buildings we saw when we stoped to gas somewhere

now these were the next day insdie one of the malls inside a hotel.

this was on the way back to the car.
we saw a statute of sigfreed and roy or whatever.

now this was 2 days later becaue Ska Circus was inbetween that
this is in the coca cola factory store thing

yet agin

after we went and got dinner and at a footlong hot dog for a buck. good deal

this was later that night on fremont street... im like the cowboy

the fake iffle tower... i dont know how to spell it.
but it was right outside the balashio. which i also cant spell

brake dancing inside of game works

and still inside gameworks

now there are plenty more pictures but sence i got exctremely frustrated at the program of how to add pictures and put captions on there im not gonna put any more up for a day or 2. but there ya go... there are some pictures


Holly said...

YAY! Pictures! I love them. YOu crack me up...

Kristin said...

Dang, Will and I have been trying to find that place to by hotdogs for a buck. I saw it on TV. Looks like fun trips.

I really like that pic of you on the salt falts. What a cool sunset.

Bobbie said...

I always love pictures, but your pictures always bring more to the table some how! :-)

Mickie and Matt said...

Nice pics dude! See ya tomorrow

Kay said...

That's funny. You don't post pics and then bam.... a million! But now you have another job, it will probably be another picture drought!?

Trish Griffee said...

I love the pics. But...the hot dog pic...that is the biggest hot dog I've ever seen.

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

Thanks for the pictures! I will go show them to Art and he will fall in love with you all over again:)