Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dang, you all made my birthday a VERY happy day!!

What's up?!

Thanks so much everyone for all the letters and packages!!!! I was so excited to get them all!!! Just one day I got 10 cards and a package! Dang, you all made my birthday a VERY happy day!!

What has been going on? So my bike has been being lame. The disc brakes take forever to fix and it takes up a lot of our time if they get messed up. And I want to just go work. I found an old road bike on the side of a house and the guy said I could have it. I'm going to put a little bit of $ into that and just send my other one home. Shouldn't cost too much either and it will save a lot of hassle. Then I could use the GT when I get home!! So that will be sweet.

Thanks for the picture mom. YOU MADE ME CRY, DANG IT!! haha I read the letter first and I hadn't seen the pictures yet. I figured I knew what it was, but I wasn't excepting MY tree!!! I loved it! It means a whole lot to me, so thank you.

One last thing. . . THE WINN FAMILY IS GETTING BAPTIZED!!!! I know right! I'm so excited. They are a great family and I can't wait. I'm sure you'll hear more later but I got to go. I love you all!! Thanks for everything!!

Love Elder Bragg

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