This week has been sooo awesome, maybe even a little too awesome haha. My new companion is Elder Pond. He came out with Elder Dunn, so its way fun. I guess I'm senior comp but like that even means anything. It was cool. The first night we talked till 12 about the atonement. It was great. Laughing and crying all at the same time. I'll never forget it. That's for sure. There is definitely a reason why I'm here. We are working super hard trying to talk to as many people as we can and get as many new investigators as we can. Its been pretty fun. We cover 2 wards, the Daniels Park Ward and the Summit View Ward. They are in Highlands Ranch.
My address is . . .
C/O The Gibb Family
10198 Fairgate Way
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
So everyone and there dog can now write me a letter!!! I know right. I would too. This is super rich area though, which basically means that we talk to a lot of people and that no one is ever interested. Its kinda lame, but we are working with some people and should have a baptism by the end of the transfer. . . (that's only cause the mission president promised everyone that if they worked hard this transfer that we could all have a baptism), so we are going for 2 cause we are already going to work hard anyways. Haha.
But yeah, the family we live with is pretty cool too. They have 3 sons and the oldest is a freshman in high school. We try to always set the best example for them.
Anyways I best be off, but I love you all!! Thank you for all your support. Remember to keep the country's that haven't been open to the church in your prayers and ALWAYS remember that the worth of EVERY soul in great in the eyes of god. So that's how it should be for us as well. No one doesn't deserve a chance to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So share it with everyone. Think about the impact it has made on our lives. Think about the happiness it brings us. That's what I do. And remember the atonement is a free gift to everyone, but we are the ones who choose whether or not we are going to use it!
Elder Colton Bragg
It is true that the wealthier a person is, the more comfortable they are and don't want to change their life style. Keep working Elder Bragg. Love ya
Love the picture. Michael said he's been to that waterfall. I love the all night talks about the atonement...they are always the best ones. There truely is nothing better!
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