Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sharing is caring

Hey Hey!! Sorry this will be short.

I'm feeling a lot better! Still sick, but I can get to work so it's cool.

This week we were dedicated to doing our best, to get 70 Quality Gospel Conversations. Always a hard goal, but that's what the Mission President has asked us to do, so we will. Anyways, by Sunday we had to get 23 in one day to finish with 70. So we had a prayer before we left and went to town. It was really neat to see how the Lord just provided for us when we needed it. He put everyone and their dog in our path, all we had to do was talk to them. Elder Pond and I had our record of 32 in one day, that was pretty tough. It turns out on Sunday we got 57 making our total 104 for the week (that's right 104... for life!) 57 is now the new mission record. I love how the Lord will bless us, even more than we know, when we are willing to do what he asks. We just need to trust him.

ALSO... Ryan has decided to get baptized and I get to be the one to confirm him. I'm so excited for his choice. Oh, and I gave him a tie to wear to his baptism. Sharing is caring, right!

I love being a missionary! It's the greatest thing in the world! I love you all and remember to share the gospel with people!

Elder Bragg


Linda said...

Way to go Elder Bragg! May you need many more ties in the future ;-)

Will said...

Dang Colton, I'll be the first to say that I wish that I'd been so hard-working in Toronto. I was by no means a slacker, but I don't think I led the mission in anything (but I did train 2 greenies at once!).

Jacque said...

You had your Faith and now here is your Miracle. What a great example you are!!

Jacque said...

Elder Bragg,
As you can probably tell by now I am not known for my writing or any form of written correspondence. I am sorry for that. I really appreciate the opportunities I get to read your blog and it always brings in the Spirit. I often thnk about you and what you are doing. You come up in conversation often within the Preist Quorum, that is testifying of the influence you had in our YM organization. Because of that I have no doubt that you are an incredible missionary for the Lord's work. We are having some great things happen in the YM. A couple of months ago I gave each Preist a BOM to hand out and believe or not Jordan Ellis was the first to do so. Now from that we have an investigator that comes to church and activities whether Jordan is there or not. How powerful the youth can be in bring people to the gospel.
Jacque said I should write more later. I just wanted you to know that we miss you. Thanks so much for being a great example to Spencer on being a missionary.


Jacque said...

One last thing Elder Bragg, I would love a letter sometime from you to read to the Preists. I would love others to take the initiative that Jordan did by becoming a missionary now.
