Thursday, April 30, 2009
Blog Stalker
Hey, hey! Yeah, this has been a crazy week, it always is now.
We just went hiking on Mt. Garfield! It was way fun. I'll send you pictures soon hopefully. so sorry about that.
We are working with a of family of 4, sharing the gospel! They aren't quite ready yet, the wife needs a bit more time. But its been great getting to know them, they are awesome. We are working hard and doing our best.
We have been riding our bikes a lot lately as well, trying to cut down on the miles for the car. We also had to give some trainings at some District Meetings and have one more tomorrow.
It's funny, last Mother's Day was my Farwell talk and now this Mother's Day I was asked to talk about mothers again! I love it. . . mostly cause of how much I love my mom!!!!!! See all those !'s I know right! Hey you should give me a time and a number to call in your next email. I get to talk to yawl. . . wow been out in grand junction only 3 weeks and look what happens. I start using yawls. . . not just using it TYPING IT!! Lameo for sure.
I'm way excited for my birthday too. Elder Burton and I have planned out 9 hours tracting that day, all day really! haha I'm way excited about it. I love tracting. And if any missionary tells you tracting is lame or ineffective you can punch him right in the nose for me! hahaha. I guess that wouldn't be Christ like.
Elder Bragg
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Getting ready for Zone confrence

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Grand Junction
I am now in GRAND JUNCTION COLORADO!! So picture it like this. . . . White City, but a bigger area. . . not as green and more dirt. ha-ha It's sweet! The people are so humble out here, it's great. We have been teaching so much! We have some great families I hope will accept the gospel.It's it great to be a missionary! Well, I think so! Elder Dunn got moved back into Metro! Yeah, I was bummed. But it's cool I guess. Maybe I'll serve with him sometime. My new companion in Elder Burton. He's so awesome! I love serving with him. He's a way funny guy and we get along very well. Oh man, we get free Sonic and Subway out here! I love that to. I'm in a car now, so we are going to start running in the morning so we don't get fat! But hey, my new address is . . .
Elder Bragg
C/O the Landes family
167 29 1/2 rd.
Grand Junction, Co 81503
That's right that one hundred and sixty seven on 29 and a half road. . . it's crazy how they do addresses out here. We live with the Stake President too which is cool. I love you all!!! Have a good week. Hand out a BOM this week!!
Elder Bragg!!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I’m getting transferred
How’s it going everybody? Sounds good about everything back home.
So boy, oh boy, was that conference awesome!!! I was so excited to watch it. There were so many great talks. Elder Holland’s was defiantly one of my favorites. Another one that hit home for me was . . . I’m not sure who it was, right before L. Tom Perry . . . Dang I forgot. Anyway, it talked about the hope of the gospel, how we will be with our family again.And did you hear the second to last talk!? DO MISSIONARY WORK!!!!!! jeez! haha. I liked that one a lot to. The best thing I learned from conference is that we need not fear. We have the gospel. Jesus is the Christ, and as long as we do our part we will be with our families and Father in Heaven again!This week has been great.
We have been working hard. But the bad news. . . . . . . . I’m getting transferred! I really wanted to stay another one, but oh well. The Lord knows best. We are going around saying good bye to a lot of the families and people I’ve gotten close to. It’s hard for me to say goodbye. But I know as I move to a new area I’ll meet great people and be blessed with a great relationship with them as well. I’ve got to go pack and do a bunch of stuff still! I love you and I’ll let you know where my new address is as soon as I get there! 6 months in the ranch! Not many can say they have done it!! It used to be considered the armpit of the mission! We are changed that way of thinking!! hahaha I’m outta here and off to the next place the lord wants me to be!!
Love You All!
Elder Bragg
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Mount Kilimanjaro
I've decided that when I get home we all are going to go on a trip to Africa and climb Mount Kilimanjaro. . . or however you spell it. But yeah, I'm dead serious. I really really want to. So we should. I keep on running into people who have and talking about it with them some how and it sounds way to cool. So yeah, get ready for that.
So things have been going really well over here. The district is doing really well. I had another baptismal interview to do yesterday. I love those things. I totally got the lady to cry at the end too. . . . not that that is the objective but she was definitely ready to be baptized, so it was a pretty neat experience. The funny thing is though, I'm district leader over the Highlands Ranch district. . . which is the entire Highlands Ranch Stake! haha So that interview was on the other side of the stake. It took like an hour and a half to bike there haha. No not really, but like an hour and 5 mins. It was nuts. But definitely good.
Also we are teaching a kid named Cody tonight. He's the biggest stud ever basically. We are going to challenge him to be baptized tonight unless the spirit says otherwise. It's going to be sweet. So I'm just praying everything will go well, haha.
Transfers are coming up real soon. So next email I'll find out what's going on. I figure I'm probably out of here. I've been here for 6 months now. Yeah i could see it, but you never know with President! Watch I'll stay here for the rest of my mission! haha Really I love it here, so I wouldn't mind to stay a while longer. Because, I will go, I will doo, right!?
Anyways we are working hard and doing our best! It has snowed really really hard a couple of times this week and of course we are still out working. Makes you feel like a better missionary haha.
I love you! Tell the fam I love them and miss them!! The 2 shirts in that package I sent home with the scriptures written on the back in sharpie were for Britany and HD for christmas!! haha A little late but what can you do! Tell Kristin I love her and miss her and her family as well. I really appreciate all the letters she sends, always makes the week better hearing about the family!
Anyways. . . love you!!
Night love ya, see you in the morning!!!!
Elder Bragg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!??