So I'll just get this out of the way first, cause I know Will is gonna love it. . . that's right. I just went disc golfing. It was way fun. The Mission President's son is way into it so a bunch of us went. I did alright. So I might have to get some discs if I go out west because there is a good course out there. (picture was taken pre-mission)
Yeah Cooper. . .Elder Dunn, is in the mission now! He is in the Littleton 5th ward and yes, it is right next to my area. . . but it's in a totally different stake. hahaha. I know right. I still haven't seen him. He showed up after I went through the temple, so I didn't get to see him then either. So yeah, we'll see what happens.
In other news, we are still working super hard. Our teaching pool is getting bigger too. We are working on making Elder Penrod's last area his best one! haha! We are shooting for a baptism every week, it's very possible, if we work hard.
There is this awesome girl named Leslie who is going back to college soon; we are shooting for the 9th for her. Then I think the rest are all lined up. I'll let you know how it went next week. It was really funny, I guess the Mission President has gotten a lot of calls from members saying that we needed to stay in the ward and all this stuff. That made us feel good, but the funny thing is.... it's mostly the ward doing the work! I love it. The Lord is blessing us and the ward a bunch. So it's awesome!
Love you all!! Just remember... The Church is true, The book is blue, and God's a Mormon! hahaha
LOVE!,Elder Bragg
Kristin, I think you should have specified that that was an old picture from Florida. Wouldn't want anyone to think he was partying with Matt.
I should have told you there was disc golfing course out there, but you weren't the one that got into that stuff! ;) Littleton is a nice area...strong soccer club out there in those neck of the woods. STate Cup champs. :D Like you care-LOL
So Colton, what's this course out west that I need to hit?
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