Thursday, August 28, 2008

Challenge to invite

HOLY COW!!! I wish I was back picking pears at the farm. It's way weird once your away from something for so long, you realize how much you truly love it. I talk about how incredible Medford is like every day.

Anyways in other news. . . The mission is going very very well! We had 2 baptisms last Saturday and then confirmed them both on Sunday. I'm planning on sending home the program. It was a great experience to be able to see Ben be baptized by his dad (who is now worthy. . . so cool) and then to be able to baptize Francie. It reminded me of baptizing Tyler, one of those memories I'll never forget. It was a great service and you could feel the spirit there very strongly. Always good. So Elder Penrod and I have been working really hard to increase our teaching pool. We're trying to get more people ready for baptism. We are getting close with a couple of people, so I'll let you know how it turns out, haha. I'm excited. This is Elder Penrod's last week, so I'm making sure he doesn't get trunky, haha. We are working hard though.

Oh man, my new bike is so sweet! Tell Seth to tell Seth M. that I got a new GT Avalanche 2.0 blue and white. I would love for Seth M's address so I could write him. Oh, and thank you so much for that package. It was way good. I have been worshiping those Waffle Crisp, haha. But worshiping the Lord more. . . don't worry. The first and second commandments are still good, haha. But I've got to run. I love you all! Thanks for all your support and prayers! It is working, just so you know. Remember that it's not hard at all to just invite someone to church or to an activity, or to anything! You just have to do your part and ask. It makes a world of difference.

LOVE, Elder Bragg


Will said...

I like the baptism involving the dad. It's like 2 birds with one stone.

Holly said...

Tyler still talks about you baptizing him! We also hear you play a mean game of Wall Ball. T can't wait to play you when you get home. I love that my boys can read how much you are enjoying your mission. LOVES from the Gundreds!

Britany said...

Colt i'll tell you what, if i find someone here in rexburg who is not a member i will invite them. Keep up the good work.

steve said...

Nice to know you miss the pear picking. We could use you this year. It's more important for you to pick worthy people to receive the gosple. I'm proud of you Elder Bragg.