Nate sorry my mom spit in your hand, she can be a little weird at times but just do it back and you'll fit right in with the fam haha.
This week was a good one. After we wrote emails last time a member took us out to the batting cages. . . They had one that pitched 85 and I hit 7 or 8 of those. It was way cool. I did way better then I ever did for FHE. I just kinda figure its the lord helping me now. haha.
We got a new investigator too. He's awesome. His name is Ryan. He's a boyfriend of some girl in a different ward, but he lives in our area so we took him haha. He's sweet. We are gonna try to set him with a date tonight. We are meeting at the bishops house so it should be really good. We are excited. We've already got 2 dates set and there pretty committed. Then we will get another tonight hopefully. So the work is defiantly progressing and we are still working really hard.
I love you all and I love being out on a mission. We get to see miraculous things happen every day and what a blessing it is. Oh man and I'm almost done with 3rd nephi. I love that book haha.
For transfers Elder Penrod is headed home, so I get a new companion. No clue who it is yet. I'll find out tomorrow morning at transfer meeting. He's coming from out west too so I'll be in a different area for about 5 hours waiting for him, then we will go back to the area and go to work. I'm way excited.
Oh man and I totally got to fat for my temple pants. . . I know right. We eat to much, but I'm working on it haha. They were small to start with anyways.
We are off to go see a Rockies game. . . they are playing the giants. I know right. I can't get away from it haha, but it will be fun. So that's whats going on. Its pretty sweet. This next transfer will be a great one again, so I'm pretty excited.
Anyways I love you all and remember to do missionary work. It's not hard and the lord promises us he will help. So who better to get help from.
Elder Bragg
A Giants game? Now I am jealous. Keep working hard and the Lord will continue to bless you. Congrats on the baptisms. Miss you Elder Bragg,
Good looking quilt. I bet thqat made Colton feel loved to have his sister stop by even if he didn't get to see her.
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