Monday, September 29, 2008

BOM Challenge

In Colton's last email he said that he was going to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. He was doing it as a challenge from his Mission President. It is going to be a Christmas gift to Christ and to himself. If any one would else would like to join in the challenge, the more the merrier.

In order to finish the Book Of Mormon between Christmas and the end of the year you need to read 5.7 pages a day.


Anonymous said...

Harvey and I are in!

Holly said...

I am totally in!

Linda said...

Perfect- I'm in. I was inspired when Colt said he just finished it a few blogs back. So I just barely started again- count me in. Thanks for the schedule Kay.

steve said...

I already said I was in. Good Christmas present.

Holly said...

I want to tell you THANK YOU! We are only 2 days into reading the B of M and I am ahead of schedule! Have you ever picked up a book that you just can't put down?!?! That is the way I feel right now. At this point in my life, I NEEDED this challenge. I know it does not make a lot of sense to you, but THANK YOU for helping me remember who I turned to when I am down, need support or just a HUG! LOVE YOU! :D