This week has been AWESOME!! No joke haha. And way crazy too. On Saturday we had Leslie's baptism. It went really well. Her parents who were completely against it came also!! It was a great experience and we also took Ryan to it. He is getting so close to committing,we are still hoping and praying. He's gonna come with us today and play Basketball. Then go buy some ties with us at Ross. It should be fun. On Sunday we had the confirmation of Leslie and then it was the primary program as well. Such a good Sunday! It's always so cool to be able to participate in that kind of thing with someone you taught. It took a lot of work, a lot of prayer, a lot of fasting, and a lot of energy. It's awesome to finally see her taking that step that the Lord wants her to take.
We also had a Zone Conference on Monday. That was pretty sweet as well. I always love the testimony meeting at the end. It's cool to be able to hear other Elder's testimony's and then bear your own to them. The spirit is always so strong. We were also challenged to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas as a Christmas present for our selves and for the Lord. So I started over again. I read the first couple chapters again. I'm still finding things I didn't catch the other couple times. I love it!
Oh man, this week we had an interesting run in with the cops, nothing big, so don't worry mom. It just strengthened my testimony of how much love you can have for someone you just met. I swear I was about to start busting down doors taking names and maybe a couple in the chest for this lady. But being official representatives of the church we cant get involved. And that is wisdom from God for sure. It just amazed me looking back on the situation (which again, mom wasn't anything! don't go calling around about it!) that I felt that close to someone that I met only 2 months before. And before my mission I would have probably been to afraid to even talk to. The Lord definitely plays a huge part in this work. God said himself that this is his work. I am so thankful that I am a part of that. I love being that tool that God himself uses to help people come to the realization that Jesus is the Christ and that our Father in Heaven loves each and every one of us.
Anyways I've got to go, but i love you all, and don't do anything stupid!!! haha
Elder Bragg
Everyone should memories from their mission. I'm glad you are getting yours. I'll also read the BOM before Christmas with you. You look good Elder Bragg.
That's all your going to say about your interesting experience with the police? Just makes me more curious;) I started the the BOM again but I don't know if I'll be done by Christmas. How many pages is that a day?
I am with Linda and the whole cop thing. Intreging for sure!
Let's see...Linda and Kristin...I could email brother and Sister Anderson and ask?? Oh, isn't that what Colton asked me not to do??? hahaha...whenever have I let that stop me...? J/K Colton, I will wait until Christmas and Kristin can ask you then!! :)
Eww, I sooo want to be 'devil's advocate' and tell you to call, but as a Mom...I know we shouldn't...I soooo want to know what happened. Okay, Colt...if you are reading and now you have Linda reading...I'll do it too! :) BofM here I come... :)
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