OKay, so here the scoop. . . this week was INSANE!! So much awesomeness it's crazy! haha.
But anyways, tell Mike that's awesome where he got his call and that's where the lord needs him. He'll love it. And that's way cool where Kade is going. I would have never guessed New Mexico in my life. But the impact he'll make in people's lives is incredible. So that's awesome.
Transfers are tomorrow. I'll be staying here which I am way excited about and I'll be killing Elder Penrod (that means I'll be his last comp) so that should be awesome; keep him from getting trunky haha.
Yeah we have been working super hard and the Lord has blessed us so much. The Lord sends his prepared people to his prepared servants so as we work hard we are blessed. I love it.
But just a quick story. When we went up camping (which was way awesome, by the way) we had a chance to go out by ourselves and just pray in the middle of the woods. Don't worry I could still see my comp and it was approved haha.
Here's a little of what I wrote in my journal: As I prayed the spirit bore witness to me, now more then ever of the truthfulness of this gospel. My Mission President told us to go and find a secluded area in which we could more fully feel the spirit. In doing so I knelt down and spoke to the lord of the things that I am thankful for. As I prayed the spirit came to me more then I have ever felt it before. It bore witness to me that I have been so blessed on this earth. In this life. I have been blessed with the most incredible family that one could have. With a mother and a father who truly live the gospel of Christ and follow his teachings to the best of there ability. I have been blessed with a brother and sisters who are truly examples to me of how I need to live my life. I have been blessed with my health. And Good health too. I have been blessed with the ability to share my talents with others. I have been blessed with this church and the truthfulness of it. I have been blessed with the knowledge that God the father and his only begotten son, the savior of the world, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith and through him restored Christ's perfect and true church on this earth again. I have been blessed with the knowledge that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life. A life without sin, and that he gave himself. He gave his life, so that one day we live with our father in heaven again. That we will, through the power of the priesthood, be able to live with our families for time and all eternity. And that through Jesus Christ alone we can be forgiven of our sins, even the vilest of sinners can be forgiven through Christ and his loving atonement that he took upon the sins of the world for us, personally. I am thankful for that from the depths of my heart and I will never forget to be grateful everyday for those blessings. 

Love, Elder Bragg
What a very true statement and an awesome testimony Elder Bragg.
Nice, nice!!! That's what they would always say on my mission. That's a good piece of testifying, right there.
As I read it, my boys gathered around me and read with me...I am a broken record...THANK YOU for your wonderful example!
Wow! Colton sure sounds good! I'm glad he's so happy serving his mission.
We just got Coop's address and did a quick mapquest compared to Coltons and they are only 2.74 miles apart! They'd have to be in the same zone! Too weird, for sure!
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