Dear Everyone back home Hey,
I'm finally in Colorado. It's so sick here! My companion and I are in a bike area. It so hilly, it's not even funny. Haha So basically our legs are gonna be gigantor by the end of this transfer. My companion's name is Elder Penrod. He's way cool. And he's a hard worker. He's going home in a couple of months, so I'll probably be his last companion in his lat area. So we might get to be together until Sept. Which is just fine with me.
Well, I just wanted to tell Bro. Schmidt and Bro. West and everyone else in the Young Men's area that they are awesome. I am really thankful for all they taught me and made me think about and do before I got out. It is so important to have a strong YM's group for the missionaries to be raised in, Trust ME.... A mission is hard work. Heck, it's the hardest work I've ever done in my life and I've only been out here for a week. haha The Lumber mill doesn't even compare on this kinda hard. I wouldn't leave it for the world though. Bearing your testimony to a complete stranger about whatever the spirit prompts you to talk about is probably the best feeling anyone can ever have. I Love it!!! I know this is where I need to be. Oh man, the first day it took a sec to build confidence to talk, but it's easy if the spirit is there. I think the first hour of my mission we were kicked out of an apartment complex and called to repentance by a couple of yeah! But once you talk to one person that actually wants to know....It makes every other second worth it. Every person that has said we were living a lie and that the church isn't true......all that goes away. There is no way that anyone can make me doubt the truth of this church and the things it teaches. Thanks again to everyone back there who helped me come to that knowledge. You know who you are! If I didn't have it this would be a lot harder Plus D&C 4 states my feelings on missionary work pretty well. hahah Anyway's I just wanted to say thanks for all the examples I've had in my life. Most of which our from ward.
So yeah, I just wanted to say the Church is true. Joseph Smith is a true prophet and Jesus Christ did atone for all of our sins. I love knowing that. And I love telling everyone about how I know it. Everyone should! Never be ashamed of it!!
Love you all,
Elder Bragg
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Finally in CO
HEY! What up everybody!. . .I'm finally in Colorado! Its way tight out here! And the work is going great. We are teaching a bunch of incredible people too. Oh and we are on bikes haha, but I'm using the ap's bike haha.
My comps name is Elder Penrod. He's tight. Almost going home, but we teach well together and get a lot well lol. I love it.
We got kicked out of an appt complex on my first hour out too haha. Anyways I love it and just being out here everyday my testimony grows. anyways. . .
here's me address. . .
C/O Andersons
7194 S Quebec ct
Centennial, CO 80112
Write me and stuff.
The church is true and you can't deny it haha. . .I love it.
Elder Bragg
My comps name is Elder Penrod. He's tight. Almost going home, but we teach well together and get a lot well lol. I love it.
We got kicked out of an appt complex on my first hour out too haha. Anyways I love it and just being out here everyday my testimony grows. anyways. . .
here's me address. . .
C/O Andersons
7194 S Quebec ct
Centennial, CO 80112
Write me and stuff.
The church is true and you can't deny it haha. . .I love it.
Elder Bragg
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Housing letters
This is not Colton, but an email exchange from my mom and the lady who is housing Colton. My mother's email is first. And a response to the previous blog entry.
What a wonderful e-mail to wake up to this morning!!
Thank you! He is an amazing young man, and has been a joy to raise! He will be a great missionary and instrument for the Lord, I'm sure. He comes from a very long line of fantastic missionaries. His grand parents are perfect examples of service. We too are preparing to serve a mission, but we are still about 10 years off. I can't think of a better way to move into the next phase of life! I hope you will be able to serve one day, but know that even if you can't serve in another country or state, there are many mom's like me that will be eternally grateful to you for housing our precious young men!!
Thanks again, Sister Bragg
Good Morning Sister Bragg,
Just a note to tell you we loved your response to our e-mail. Elder Penrod, who is Elder Bragg’s senior companion has been out for 21 months and runs a tight ship. Elder Penrod is very inspired and works extremely hard. Your missionary is following his great example and is learning from one of the best. Elder Bragg loves the hard work, never complains, just the opposite he is excited to serve in any way he can. Together they make an almost perfect companionship. This is a great start to a mission! He is a wonderful young man.
All our love,
Bill & Kathy Anderson
What a wonderful e-mail to wake up to this morning!!
Thank you! He is an amazing young man, and has been a joy to raise! He will be a great missionary and instrument for the Lord, I'm sure. He comes from a very long line of fantastic missionaries. His grand parents are perfect examples of service. We too are preparing to serve a mission, but we are still about 10 years off. I can't think of a better way to move into the next phase of life! I hope you will be able to serve one day, but know that even if you can't serve in another country or state, there are many mom's like me that will be eternally grateful to you for housing our precious young men!!
Thanks again, Sister Bragg
Good Morning Sister Bragg,
Just a note to tell you we loved your response to our e-mail. Elder Penrod, who is Elder Bragg’s senior companion has been out for 21 months and runs a tight ship. Elder Penrod is very inspired and works extremely hard. Your missionary is following his great example and is learning from one of the best. Elder Bragg loves the hard work, never complains, just the opposite he is excited to serve in any way he can. Together they make an almost perfect companionship. This is a great start to a mission! He is a wonderful young man.
All our love,
Bill & Kathy Anderson
Friday, June 20, 2008
New Home
Just to let you all know I do pass on Colton's comments that he gets I print them out ever week.
Colton needed some pictures!
Colton needed some pictures!
Good Evening Brother and Sister Bragg,
Just a quick note to let you know that your Missionary just transferred into our Ward today and will be staying in our home. He brings such a sweet spirit into our home which we can feel even on the first day. We fed him and his companion Elder Penrod dinner tonight. Bill, my husband, took them to a baptism while I left for my evening job.
The prophet was so inspired to have missionaries come into members homes. There are such tremendous blessing that come with housing the missionaries. Thank you for preparing such a fine young man – we know you are very proud of him. We feel very blessed to have a “GREENIE” in our home I told Elder Bragg that he is living my dream. I am trying to convince my sweetie that we should go on a mission - we have at least 5 more years before we will be ready. He’ll be ready to go by then!
Love Brother and Sister Anderson
7194 South Quebec Court
Centennial CO 80112
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
MOM!!!i miss home so much!!!. . . i think i might come home!. . . PSYCH!!!
i love it here so much!I'm learning more about the church then i ever thought existed! its great. the food is actually real good though. well i like it.
totally getting up on my own now. . .i know right!...
and its raining every time we have gym so its indoor volley ball for me. i own at it through lol!
i really really really love it here though. my comp loved the pillow case too. i love this church more then you can even imagine right now. after learning how to teach the first and second discussion you learn a lot of things you didn't know before. such a blessing to be able to learn by the spirit.! I'm doing great! thanks for my blessing! i love you to death and miss home but ill catch you in 2 years haha. oh and i leave on Wednesday morning at 645 so get ready for a call!! love you!!!!!!
LOVE! Elder Bragg!!!
i love it here so much!I'm learning more about the church then i ever thought existed! its great. the food is actually real good though. well i like it.
totally getting up on my own now. . .i know right!...
and its raining every time we have gym so its indoor volley ball for me. i own at it through lol!
i really really really love it here though. my comp loved the pillow case too. i love this church more then you can even imagine right now. after learning how to teach the first and second discussion you learn a lot of things you didn't know before. such a blessing to be able to learn by the spirit.! I'm doing great! thanks for my blessing! i love you to death and miss home but ill catch you in 2 years haha. oh and i leave on Wednesday morning at 645 so get ready for a call!! love you!!!!!!
LOVE! Elder Bragg!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
2nd email
Hey!!! The mission is great! Did you get either of my letters yet? I wasn't sure. I've sent 2 so yeah. Let me know. Um and write back or email i guess! LOVE YOU!!! I miss you and dad and everyone sooooo much! But this really is the greatest thing I could ever be doing right now! I'm so happy that I'm here. It's way fun too and the spirit is bouncing off the walls. Anyways. I love you guys and I'll talk to you when you write me an email back!!! Stay clean and lay off the drugs Seth.
Colton is now set up with an email address. We are not sure who he will be able to email yet, but for now I think he can send to anyone.
It looks like he gets 30 min a day in the MTC, which is pretty cool. So happy emailing!
It looks like he gets 30 min a day in the MTC, which is pretty cool. So happy emailing!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
1st day in the MTC
Dear Everyone!
Today has been one of the greatest days ever! I'm so happy everyone came out to the airport and dad I know you cried, it's cool, I cried too!
The MTC has been awesome so far and it's only the first day. I only fell asleep during one part. haha I know, right? Way better than I thought I do. It has just been non-stop instruction all day. They say the first week is the worst though, so I bet I'll be fine in a bit.
Oh man! I met my companion today also. He's great!! (a little weird) BUT great! His name is Elder Rathbone, I know, cool name, right! No. but he's cool. He kinda looks like he could be on a German submarine, though. haha You'll see when I send a picture. Oh, I'm also the Senior companion. Yeah, it doesn't really mean anything here, but still it's cool!
I'm also staying with two other fellas that are going to the same mission. It's elder La-something.... and Elder Roberts. The first guy is a BIG Samoan guy, with an incredible testimony as well! And Elder Roberts and i probably get along the best out of all of them. He's way cool!
But I have to go to bed now, so I will write more next week! I can't wait to GET OUT IN THE FIELD!!! It's gonna be way tight! I love you all! And listen to the spirit, it's very strong here and I love it!
Love Elder Bragg
Today has been one of the greatest days ever! I'm so happy everyone came out to the airport and dad I know you cried, it's cool, I cried too!
The MTC has been awesome so far and it's only the first day. I only fell asleep during one part. haha I know, right? Way better than I thought I do. It has just been non-stop instruction all day. They say the first week is the worst though, so I bet I'll be fine in a bit.
Oh man! I met my companion today also. He's great!! (a little weird) BUT great! His name is Elder Rathbone, I know, cool name, right! No. but he's cool. He kinda looks like he could be on a German submarine, though. haha You'll see when I send a picture. Oh, I'm also the Senior companion. Yeah, it doesn't really mean anything here, but still it's cool!
I'm also staying with two other fellas that are going to the same mission. It's elder La-something.... and Elder Roberts. The first guy is a BIG Samoan guy, with an incredible testimony as well! And Elder Roberts and i probably get along the best out of all of them. He's way cool!
But I have to go to bed now, so I will write more next week! I can't wait to GET OUT IN THE FIELD!!! It's gonna be way tight! I love you all! And listen to the spirit, it's very strong here and I love it!
Love Elder Bragg
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