WHAT'S UP!? Thanks so much for all the ties. those ones are perfect. Heck I'm wearing the clip on right now. haha. But dang a lot has happened in the last week. Remember I told you about Jim dropping us and we were all down. . . well the next day we found someone and they are golden!! Haha she wants to get baptized as soon as possible. So we are teaching her again tonight and we already taught her the 1st lesson. She is loving it and already has a strong testimony. Its so great! haha. I love it. But yeah she's already quit drinking and smoking and has been to church. Its cool.
Anyways yeah we were over at a members house and I guess their daughter knew the West's. Small world for sure. It was cool though. We got to talk for a bit. . . oh and guess what else. I was in the bible park ward building today playing basketball and I saw a picture of Jaren Burt and his wife! I guess they just moved in there so maybe I'll get a chance to see him! I thought it was cool. Oh and I forgot to tell you. We are teaching this awesome Indian guy named Samnut. . . I think its pronounced Somnot, but whatever. He's cool and he came to church this sunday. Luckily there is a rm in our ward that just got back from india haha. He gave his home coming talk this week too. Samnut loved it! He said he would love to come back, but yeah all the members in our ward are awesome.
In other news Zone conference is next week. We are all really excited. We get to go camping at snow summit for a night. I guess we are the only mission in the whole world that is going to be able to do something like this. There going to video tape it and everything and there is a real good chance that a couple of the apostles are going to see it. Stinks for Coop though I guess he's gonna miss it, but that's cool. I'm sure he'll be fine. But we got to go hiking and a bunch of cool stuff. Its gonna be great and we got t-shirts haha. They say ALTER YOUR ATTITUDE! on them. I guess that's the the aim.
Anyways I'm loving it out here. Everything is going really well. Other then it being real hot. I guess its been getting pretty up there lately. Biking is lame but that's cool. Whenever we find someone to talk to we get to stop haha. But yeah. I love it out here. Its so much fun. . . I mean don't get me wrong I've never worked harder in my life. I've got some crazy blisters and things on my feet but its alright. You peddle through the pain haha. Anyways we are going shopping now, so I'm outa here. But I love you!! Tell everyone I said hi and what not!
Love, Elder Bragg
Cool picture with your Mission President and wife. Your zone conf. sounds wonderful. My dad got to do a similar conf. when he served in Germany. His mission Pres. took all the zone leaders high in the Alps above a tiny church overlooking the country. A precious moment in his life. Praying for you always,
The Schmidts
The new tie looks great on you. No snowboarding pictures yet? I miss your smiling face around here. However, I know that's where Heavenly Father needs you.
Wow...Elder Bragg camping sounds like a blast! And there is no where better than CO! Ew, I guess I havr to say UT as well now! ;) Keep teachin' and we love you!
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