Wednesday, June 2, 2010
So this is it!
So this is it! This is the lat email. I hate it. I love you all so much, but no offense I would love to stay another 2 years.
Come what may and love it though, right?. . . I guess?
The mission has been nothing short of the best 2 years and coming out here I never really thought I would say that. But now looking back, realizing the progress I’ve made, realizing that I will never be able to serve the Lord in this capacity again, it kills me! I’m going to miss the people in this mission. I’m going to miss talking with everyone I see about Jesus Christ our Savior. I’ll even miss wearing a suit.
I know God loves his children. I know he is always there trying to help us return and live with him. Yes, the heavens are open. Yes, God still speaks. He is the same yesterday today and forever. I know I have to start another chapter in my life, but I will always look back and treasure the incredible experiences I’ve had as one of God’s army, wearing his name, sharing his word. I know he has a plan for me.
I love you all and thank you for the support over the last 2 years. You’re the best! Don’t forget to pray that I won’t go crazy when I get home. . . I might though! hahaha
Thursday, May 27, 2010
last week
So this week was very eventful.
Saturday night we had a lesson with one of our investigators named Aaron. He’s a stud. So we go to Brother McIntosh’s home and have a lesson. We read through 3 Nephi 11 and all is well and the spirit is strong then out of the middle of nowhere he says "I’m moving Monday to South Dakota. . . . What? haha. That was our response. So we were like oh that’s cool playing it off like it was no big deal when really inside we were screaming and jumping up and down trying to convince him to stay. . . haha I’m sure you could picture it. Then both Elder Allred and I at the same time just got this feeling like it would all be alright. So it was cool. Well later on in the lesson we committed him to be baptized that next day, hahaha. For those whole don’t know there is a little bit more preparation that goes into it than that . . . like planning it, bap interview, letting the ward know, having time to confirm. . .. you know small details like that.
Which brings us to Sunday….
7:45 pec for 7 hills
9:00 sacrament for 7 hills
10:00 go and pick up our district leader across town for interview
11:00 pec for Flanders ward
12:00 walk to ward mission leaders house and outline program/ talk to angry wml of another missionaries ward about stuff. . . oh, dont ask haha/ say bye to non angry wml haha
1:00 Flanders sacrament meeting (was asked to give a surprise talk on the w. of w in sacrament. so write talk on stage and speak for 20 minutes. . worked out well haha)
2:00 walk back to wml house and finish program
3:00 start filling fount
4:00 help set up for linger longer in Flanders ward
5:00 baptism/ confirmation ( awesome by the way) I’ll show you pictures soon.
6: 30 dinner
7:30 go to recent converts birthday/ engagement party and talk to all her non member friends (jackpot)
8:30 go to members home and teach a lesson and eat homemade rolls
9:30 send in all the numbers in the zone to salt lake
10:30 clean up
11 bed
It was a wonderfully busy day haha. And it’s not slowing down either. Yesterday had a Zone meeting, today we went to the temple with President. . .got to send bike box home. . .
Dang, I got to go!! haha
Love you all! Have a great week and do missionary work!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I got my flight plans
So it’s been a crazy week. I got my flight plans the other day. We call them our trunky papers. That was kinda weird, last time I saw those was when Elder Penrod got his! He was my trainer almost two years ago! That’s intense. That’s almost more intense then Lehi. . . hahaha. You know you’re laughing at that one.
So things are going well. We are working on a couple people to get them baptized by the time the transfer is up. So hopefully that will go though.
I tracted 9 hours the other day cause I was on teamups with an Elder who had no idea what was going on in his area. . .so that was super fun. It was raining like crazy. haha I love missions. They are the best, no other place in the world can make you feel super cool about walking in the rain in a suit.
Anyways, Love you! Have a great week. Talk to you next Wednesday!
Love Elder Bragg
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mother’s Day mom!!!
It’s good to hear grandpa is doing well. He’s a stud so I figured all would be well.
My birthday was good. Thanks for the package mom, Kristin and Mick. . . Mick sent like 9 that same day. haha. Pretty sweet!!
I had 3 different birthday cakes that day. And our ward mission leader’s daughter is trying to figure out how to make a good cake you used to make. So you might get a call some time. haha.
(She did call and wanted to know how to make an Ice Cream Roll. It was fun to talk with her and she had nothing but wonderful things to say about Colton.)
No worries about the whole school thing. I’m not sure when I should go up there to school. Also Elder Burton came back to visit and I was talking to him. I guess LDS Business College is like 1400 a semester, but for return missionaries they pay half so it would only be 700 bucks. That’s kinda cool. But I figure I’ll figure it out when I talk with you on the phone.
Anyways, things are going well. Mission is good. I just got back from the temple. And well I must say, that is definitely the house of the lord, no doubt about it.
But hey I have to go. I’m excited to talk to you all on Sunday. . . Happy Mother’s Day mom!!!
Love Elder Bragg
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Still dancing for joy
Anyways not too much happened this week, well that’s a lie. That was my cop out attempt for not writing a huge email. haha
So on Saturday my companion and I ran a 5 k with our ward. It was something I wanted to do when I got home but I figured I’d get it done before hand so I can focus on a longer one. haha. It was way fun though. It was for the ward and we ran the whole thing right side by side. And yes of course because we are missionaries we ran the whole thing in our white shirts and ties. We even carried a copy of the Book of Mormon in our hands the whole time, haha. It was fun. Our time was 26:47 which is kinda lame. I know we could have done better. So we'll see when happens when I get back home.
So then on Sunday we find out an investigator from the Springs Mission would be coming to our Sacrament meeting and that she was getting baptized that night. Well, we got to go to the baptism and it was great. We met the other missionaries and what not. . . well I guess they were trying to transition her over to us but still wanted to baptize her so they could get a baptism, haha. But it turns out she lived in our ward boundaries the whole time!! They were just trying to snake it from us! Well, after saying swiper no swipey 3 times and a call from our mission president. We might have gotten a surprise baptism! Yay! haha. So she'll be confirmed in our Sacrament meeting and start going to our ward. So that’s pretty cool.
And finally I found out yesterday that I’m staying in this area. Pretty sweet, huh?
Any who, my birthday is coming up. Any letters or nice pictures would be cool. You can all just hold off on the presents till I get back. I’m sitting pretty well right now.
Things are going well. Still dancing for joy, it’s crazy. . . but everyday I come to this crazy realization the church is true. . . it’s weird. It’s like I’ve learned it already but for some reason its truer today than it was yesterday. I know Jesus Christ is my savior. I knew that yesterday. But for some odd reason I know it more today than yesterday. And as I look up this ladder of progression I realize that tomorrow I better be on the next step up or I’ll find myself one step lower. haha I love the gospel.
I love you all!! Keep climbing the ladder!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
To dad
I got a chance to go on teamups for the last day. I don't know why but I was just super filled with the spirit. At one door, I was super bold and just stated our authority and that we were sent from God to help this guy be able to live with him again. He was a little hesitent and then I proceeded to tell him the consequences of not listening to our message. haha Never done that before. . . usually not the aproach you like to take on the door step first time you meet someone. But it was cool because I had no idea what I was saying and the spirit was super strong. So the misisonries in that area have a return appointment with him on Friday.... hahaha. Just goes to show you that the Lord knows every one of us and what his servants need to say, and if we are worthy and willing, we can receive that through the Holy Ghost.
We are doing great out here, no worries, we are working hard.
Love ya dad! I totally brag to everyone about how I have the coolest dad haha. Just so you know.
I sat next to Elder Dunn at the Priesthood session of conference and we both decided that we missed our dads and wanted to go to dinner with them. So hey.. . next time! hahaha
Elder Bragg
Conference was awesome
So we are excited about that and we have a couple more we are working with that we need to get on date, then we'll be golden.
Conference was awesome. I love hearing the leaders of the church speek to us. Elder Holland threw down. . . like always. President Monson had me cracking up as usual. I just shook Elder Perry and Elder Bednar's hands, so I couldn't help but listen much more intently to them. Conference is better then Christmas, for sure.
I figured we were going to Utah right when I got home, so no worries. Maybe we can go to a couple of DI's and see if they have any old church books! haha. And no worries, I'm not truncky. I'm working too hard.
Elder Bragg
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy birthday Mickie and Zannie
Hey, Hey, Hey! Sounds like things are going pretty well back home. The weather is clearing up again over here . . . but by the end of the week it should get back down . . . lame. But for today it should be good so we are going to play a bunch of games in the park with the zone.
The work over here is going great. We are going to have another 2 baptisms on Saturday in-between conference. What a great time for a baptism!! Herb, who got baptized 2 weeks ago is now going to baptize his 2 kids. So we are excited about that. It’s cool to be able to see whole families come together and grow closer to the lord. We also are working with a guy that just moved into the ward area. He just got married to his girlfriend too so we don’t have to worry too much about chastity issues either!! Those are always fun to deal with. We also have another part member family who has committed to be baptized once the father can hold the priesthood again. It’s great because both of these wonderful families are getting baptized so that eventually they can all be sealed together in the Lord’s temple!!! Man, I love being a missionary.
Elder Allred and I are still working really hard to find new people as well. We’ve got to keep people coming into the teaching pool so that it won’t go to nothing when we baptize everyone haha. I love having that problem. We have been riding our bikes everywhere. So that is fun as well. I really enjoy being out and about with the people on the streets, can’t really do too much of that in a car. The problem is my suits are getting pretty messed up. So I’m going to ask President if I can get special permission to go to a Good Will [cause thrift stores are against the rules ( too many missionaries bring home couches and put them in members homes. .. haha or just super ugly ties)]
And yes I got the Easter package. Elder Allred and I are very grateful for all the nice healthy morsels of joy we found inside when we opened them! haha. So thank you!!! Now you'll be able to recognize me when I get home because I won’t be so FAT! haha.
Happy birthday Mickie and Zannie!! Love you!
I hope everyone is more excited than the Christian Nephites when the sun went down and it was still light that conference is about to come! I’ve been jumping up and down for days! haha No joke. I love conference. Christmas on a mission is great. But definitely second to conference weekend! And we get it twice a year! So much better! haha.
Everyone should invite all of their friends to watch it. I mean if Moses was holding a conference at the Pepsi Center I think everyone would want to go or watch. So why not show the same enthusiasm for President Monson! And he doesn’t even need someone to speak for him like Aaron did for Moses. So it’s pretty much better, right? haha.
Anyways, have a great week. Love you all! Enjoy conference. I know I will. Look to Christ... for he is reason!
Elder BraggThursday, March 25, 2010
I ate tongue and cactus
This week has been awesome. We are working super hard as usual. But our area is a lot more humble then Columbine, so it’s so much easier! haha. We had a baptism on Saturday, a guy named Herb Whitaker. He is awesome, he and his wife have 6 kids at home they are all from other marriages and 2 of them aren’t baptized. He will get the priesthood in 2 weeks and then baptize his kids. That is way exciting. Then we just set one on date named Kyle. He is awesome too. He has read the Book of Mormon and is working on a second time. He is getting baptized the Sunday after General Conference. Then there is another family, yeah, isn’t it great! We are working with so the dad can get the priesthood so he can baptize his wife and son. So we are excited like I said.
Oh the other day I ate tongue and cactus. It was pretty good. Weird! This is the only area my entire mission that has different cultures and races! It’s been good.
Things are going great. Elder Allred keeps saying that his home town in the best. . . I just don’t say anything because he is from a town in the desert. He doesn’t really know any better, so how can he judge right? All I’m saying is Oregon is the best. haha.
Sweet. I’ve got to go write president a letter now. Love you all! Have a great week. Share the gospel!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
New Address
So I was moved over to Aurora. It’s crazy. It’s completely different then anywhere I’ve ever served. We cover a ward named the 7 Hills Ward which is actually a really nice ward. The homes are pretty wealthy. But then we also cover the singles ward. haha That’s fun. We cover the whole stake. So we go down town all the time. The crazy people ratio has definitely gone up quite a bit since my last e-mail.
The work is going really great well. We are teaching loads of people. It’s way nice to just go from appointment to appointment. We still tract a bunch to, and we are hopping on our bikes as much as we can. So that is good.
Oh hey and Kristin, if you want to I would definitely not be opposed to more fruit leather. I eat it like candy. sooooo goood. haha.
My new companions name is elder Allred. He’s way awesome. He’s been out about 9 months or so and is a way better missionary then I’ll ever be. Of course that’s how the last like 13 have been. He is from Royal City Washington. He says it’s the best place in the world but I keep telling him that the desert isn’t as good as Medford. That’s like comparing outer darkness to the celestial kingdom. haha. He’s great though, grew up on a farm, hard worker. We have fun.
Also the last zone I was in was the smallest zone, 6 companionships including us. That was the same way with Grand Mesa zone. . . but not this time. Now I’m in the biggest zone, with 13 companionships. Its fun to try and keep track of and do Sunday night numbers and stuff. I think the earliest I’ve been to bed in the last couple days has been 11.
Oh but hey! Elder Rathbone AND Elder Dunn are in the zone! I’m so excited. I haven’t served around Elder Dunn my whole mission! So that will be fun. We are going to play ultimate Frisbee today because we don’t know where a disc golf course is. haha.
Anyways here is my address so everyone can write me (even more so now cause my companion gets at least a letter a day. . . no joke)
Elder Bragg
3420 s. Halifax Way
Aurora Co, 80013
Have A GREAT Week Everybody!!!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So this week has been great, not too much happened. We had a zone meeting, went tracting, and ate a bunch. And worked out to counter act the eating. . . . you know, the usual. ha-ha. But yeah, those pictures were from like a year ago. But I’m working on sending home a memory card so you could just look at all those on the computer again, save them on there, then erase the card and send it back. Oh and you have to let me know if the videos I take have sound. It doesn’t have a speaker on my camera. ha-ha. Anyways. Transfers are next week. I’ll let you know what happens. I’m gonna go play some disc golf! ha-ha
Love you all!! Have a good week. Don’t die. . . physically. . . or spiritually. ha-ha
Elder Bragg
No jumping on the bed!

I guess that "free" stuff by the side of the road comes in handy for tried missionaries!

Trying to teach anyone who will listen, or can't move?

Colton is still Colton! What else would we expect?!

Thursday, February 25, 2010
I had to make a list
So on the Olympic side of things. Yeah her name is Tora bright, I think. . She was good friends with Elder Burton one of my companions. He is way good at snowboarding and I guess she just rips it up pretty hard ha-ha. Apparently she got a medal in the Olympics right? ha-ha. Also yeah I know about Canada too. Elder McMurry calls me every time they win and tells me all about it. He’s from Canada and loves hockey. So when a member told me about the US win, it was nice to be able to give him a call ha-ha. AMERICA!!
So for this week I had to make a list cause it was packed with sweet stuff!
So on Friday we had zone leader council, again. That’s right 2 in a transfer. The rule is that we aren’t supposed to gather over half the mission without 1st presidency approval. But Elder Perry was only coming to this half of the mission! So president had all the district leaders and zone leaders come over from the west and spend the night at the mission home. And it just so happened to be the day before Elder Perry came! ha-ha President is the best. It was fun though. I got to see a lot of old companions and we evaluated each zone. Our mission is one of the top missions in our area. It’s neat because 2 years ago Elder Perry gave a mission presidents seminar and he talked about how we have less missionaries coming out then we need. So over the next while he said they were going to start taking the missions that weren’t doing as well and reduce them and then give more missionaries to the missions that are doing well. .. Well, most missions are either being joined with another mission or their number of missionaries is down to 100. We in the Colorado Denver South Mission just got our last upgrade of missionaries to put us at just under 200. I think we are 198. . . So basically this is the best mission in the world . . .just saying. stats prove it hahahaha
So when Elder Perry came (with Elder Hallstrom) President Christison gave the first talk. This was basically a review of our mission. The reason Elder Perry is going around visiting missions is to implement the new ward mission process. Part of that is teaching 20 lessons a week. Well, the month before he came, our mission as an average were teaching just over 20 lessons a week ha-ha. So instead he just spent an hour on the priesthood!! It was so great. We all learned a lot. He is one of the funniest guys ever. He shook all of our hands and was cracking jokes left and right. It was great. He told lots of stories about Elder McConckie. ha-ha They were way funny. And if you didn’t know, Elder Perry is huge! He was probably one of the tallest ones in the whole room. I was a midget to him, both physically and spiritually! ha-ha
Then on Sunday we had the usual meeting with the stake presidency . They are the best. I love working with them. They are so focused on missionary work and because of it everything else falls in place as well.
Then yesterday we had a zone meeting which went very well. We kinda have a handpicked prime missionary zone. All our companionships are so solid! It’s wonderful, because we don’t have to worry about too much! We just help them with interviews for baptism or encourage them! I love it.
We also found a sweet new investigator yesterday. So we are excited about that.
So that’s pretty much a normal week for us in this mission, except the Elder Perry thing. So now you can just copy and paste that email and put it for the last 6 months that I have been bad at writing ha-ha.
Well I’ve got to split, but thanks for the letter mom. It was nice to learn a little more about what was going on with Baylee.
Put a plug in for priesthood blessing or something next time you all get on TV! Eh?!! ha-ha.
Thank you all for the support and prayers for us missionaries as we are out serving. We definitely need them. And so you know, most missionaries pray for the members, that they will be good missionaries as well ha-ha. Fulfill our prayers!!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Elder Bragg
Hey, I ALMOST got to do a discussion with your son today....we all showed up and evidently, Sandy (our long-term investigator) had called while I was in the shower and cancelled, so we "didn't get the memo." I stood in the beautiful sun with them for a while and talked (it was nice to have an excuse to "catch a few rays" after such a long stretch of snowy, overcast weather). You have a great boy there! I have really seen him grow in his abilities, confidence and maturity over the last almost 6 months he has been here. He is so focused and engaged in the work and it is a joy to watch these good boys become great men . He is like family to us since he's been here so long. He and his comp (he's been through quite a few in 6 months) stop by often to practice their newest object lessons on our family. When he had the last companion on crutches, they were pretty limited with what they could do, so they did a lot of visits and really tried to keep busy in very creative ways.
He speaks so fondly of you and your family. I told him that I believe we would be pretty good friends if we lived sound like a great lady! Thanks for lending Colorado your son for a while....he's making a difference here!
Linda Hill
Monday, February 22, 2010
No title
This week has been crazy too. We have been instructed to go on team ups with every companionship in the zone before Saturday . . . so we’ve been doing that, our last companionship is tonight to tomorrow night. Should be fun. But the reason is cause we are doing a mission audit . . . because Elder Perry is coming!!! I’m so excited. so on Friday all the zone leaders and district leader from out west will come over and well have another zone leader council and then Saturday morning everyone on the metro side will get to hear Elder Perry. He is probably going to teach us mostly about how to work with the ward and stake but the cool thing is. is that every place he’s visited in the last 2 years, 3 months after he’s left, the baptisms have gone up 30%. . . and ours have already gone up probably 20% the last couple months cause of some things we’ve been doing. So that would be awesome! We consistently get over 50 baptisms a month now and are one of the top baptizing missions in the area. We are the best basically, that’s what I’m saying hahaha.
President Christison has really worked wonders for this mission. It’s been amazing to be able to be a part of that and to be able to get to know the organization of the wards and stakes better. We get to work with the stake presidency on a weekly basis and it has been such a blessing for the work and us.
Katie is doing great. She’s a little nervous, but we are working with her. She’s so solid though that I’m not worried. She’ll be baptized soon. So pray for her. . .
Also we are working with a couple others. And we got a bunch of dinners set up at member’s homes with less actives and non members. The members in this ward are really working hard to do missionary work. It’s great to see and helps the work go so much smoother.
Anyways my time is up. I’ll let you know how Elder Perry is! Love you all!! Remember to share the blessings you have by doing missionary work!
Elder Bragg
No worries
Love ya!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Not a lot of time...
My new companion is awesome his name in elder Arius, he’s from Canada. ha-ha. That’s right; I’ll never be with an American. He’s awesome though. We are working hard and doing what’s right. I’m training him as a zone leader and man our last couple of days has been crazy, with reports to the stake, fixing the sister’s car, running back and forth to the mission office. ha-ha It’s been fun though.
We working with another lady, she’s on date for baptism. Her name is Sandy. She’s been through some rough stuff. But we set a date to work toward and we are going to help her make it. Anyways, I’ve got to run.
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The gospel is great
This week has been crazy. We have been working really hard. Elder McComb has a bunch of things wrong with his knee so we are not allowed to tract. And he will be going home for surgery too. So we wanted to finish him off strong. Well all we did was teach, members, investigators, anyone we saw. We would teach them a lesson. We wound up with 38 for the week. So we were happy about that. The zone did really well. Our average sit down lessons were 24 (which is awesome) and hours tracting were 19.8 (and that was with our 0) ha-ha. I’m way proud of everybody. They finished the transfer very strong. I also found out that I’m staying, still a zone leader, Ha-ha, long run, I guess. But I hear my new comp is great. I don’t know who it is yet, but I’ll let you know. The work is going well and we are trying our best.
Thanks for updating me on all the blessings our family is getting. When we are baptized we covenant with God that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Christ. Do as he does. Act as he acts. Give as he gives and he gave us everything. Thanks for being a great example of that. It sounds like everyone is helping our family grow closer through the eternities.
Also as you could tell, the more we are willing to give up the more the Lord is going to bless us. Most of the time it’s not with physical things, but like those matter in the end anyways. Like the lord did to the young rich man in the New Testament, he invites us all to give up everything we have and follow him. Harder said than done right, but the closer we are to God the farther we are from those things of the world and the better off we will be in the life to come.
The gospel is great; it’s good to know the Lord is really looking after the family as I’m gone. I know he answers prayers. Thanks for letting me know how he’s answering mine. I love hearing how everyone is doing. Keep me updated and let everyone know I love and miss them.
Have a good week!
Love Elder Bragg
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Katie, she is doing awesome!
so yeah sorry for not telling you. i thought i did when we talked on the phone. we were moving but there was a huge ordeal and a bunch of confusion and we wound up staying in the chatfield ward. and since we were living there i still live in the same place! so yeah i got it all. it was great! those are the fuzziest slippers I've ever seen. i need to wear them in though. my feet get really sweaty when i wear them haha. anyways.
this week was good. we are both feeling better and finished the week strong.
sad news though, got call from president on Sunday and found out elder brunton is getting emergency transferred or ET'ed. so he is gone now. my new companion is coming from out west. he went to go fix some stuff with a companionship/area. he's not a zone leader anymore though so he was way excited about that haha. maybe one day that will come for me too. . . haha. but for now i'm a single zone leader again and on team ups with elder rassmusen and elder da silva. there good elders. and then on Thursday ill get a new compy. haha.
as for Katie. she is doing awesome. she is reading the bom still and just finished huge b browns, profile of the prophet. pretty sweet. her man friend gave it to her. i say man friend cause no one knows if they are dating haha. his name is Dave. hes an awesome fella. but yeah Katie is still set for the 23rd so pray for her that it will go through. she is ready. we just need to help her find that out haha.
also john smith. the old one dropped us the other day. it was a sad day. i like john. but hes "just so old!" as elder brunton would say. he tried to figure things out from a scientific standpoint without relying on faith and god answering prayers. . . i had this crazy feeling when i was talking to him that he knew it was true. he just denied it. . . sad day.
but an a good note. . . i got some waffle crisp!!! oh it was so good. i love that junk! haha thanks for sending it.
but anyways we have to go. we are gonna go play disc golf with a Frisbee i found in a tree. should be fun haha.
remember elder bednar said, "the way to measure your own conversion is by your willingness to share it with others."
elder bragg
Friday, January 8, 2010
Best story ever...
So we are doing great, except for the whole being way sick thing. We are working through it.
It's freezing over here!! It's 3 degrees today. But said we would get 20 hours tracting again this week so that's what we are shooting for. We got 6 yesterday so that was a good start.
So let me tell you the best story ever. . .
We were on team ups the other day and we got a text message. It was a referral. But it was from the person who we were being referred to. . . doesn't happen much. and the text said. . . "I have read many LDS books. I have many LDS students and friends. I basically need the discussions asap". . . yeah. So we went over there and met Katie Clifford!
She's the coolest lady ever. She is a school teacher at Highlands Ranch and also the cross country coach. She has a good friend who is a member and they have been talking a lot about the church. She's getting baptized on the 23rd! She's awesome and I know she's ready.
We also had interviews with President and Zone Conference. It was way fun. We played a Jeopardy game. I'm smarter than I thought! haha. We still lost though, so I'm not that smart. We also received Zone Leader training, it was good fun.
Anyways. I've got to go now, but I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well/better, especially Baylee and HD and Britany. I've been praying for them.
The Lord blesses those who stand in need of blessing and are willing to receive.
Elder Bragg