Wednesday, December 16, 2009
getting transferred
Elder Bednar was the best. I'll have to to you about it on the phone, cause there was a lot of good stuff. But I have to go. Things are going great here and all is well.
Elder Brunton and I are staying together.
Love you all!!
Elder Bragg
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Breanna she's the best
Tell Breanna she's the best!! Missionary work is hard work. And it always takes a lot of courage to do it. But when you do, it's never a bad thing. The Lord is always happy that you did. So way to go Bre. I know I'mproud of you, so the Lord is too!!
I don't have much time this week. I'm on a 15 min computer so that's all the time I get. There is exciting news, the best news ever even. . . . . .
So there are almost 200 missionaries in this mission. And out of those 200 there are only 10 in this zone, and us 10, and only us 10, get to go to the Columbine Stake Conference. And there, Elder David A Bednar of the 12 and Joseph Sitati who also spoke in conference, will be talking to us! hahaha! I'm so excited its not even funny!! This whole transfer we have been telling everyone an apostle is coming. I swear, it's every missionaries dream to have their investigators talk with an apostle. And now.... we get that chance!!!! Holy Cow! Yes, I'm stoked out of my mind! I mean, excited. . . haha. I'll let you know how it goes. And in the coming year I'll let you all shake my hand, cause it will have shaken the hand of an Apostle, a special witness of Christ!!!! Oh man I get shivers thinking about it. We also have a Christmas Devotional with the whole metro side of the mission tomorrow. Totally cool, but come on.... not as cool! haha But it will still be fun, anyways.
Elder Bragg
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Lord protects us even when we don't know we need it!
So there has been some pretty nuts things going on lately.
First, we had a baptism for a guy named Chet Hersch. . . how cool is that name. He's a stud. The baptism went really well. He's 6'8" so we had to fill the fount for 3 hours to get it high enough and had to find some way long white pants for him. It was pretty sweet. I love baptisms.
Also funny thing happened this week. (This mom is not so sure it's as "funny" as Elder Bragg, but grateful the Lord protects his missionaries too)
So we were going to this place called Dear Creek Canyon. Before we went up we called Bishop Shcoville to ask him who up there we should see. He said that there was no one that he could think of at the time. But told us not to see someone, (last name with held). We asked why and he just said to trust him. Elder Brunton asked if it was a like "yell at you" do not contact or a "pointing the shotgun at you" do not contact. The Bishop just said in a very serious way to just trust him. We didn't think too much about it and figured we would stay far away from his house. We had plenty of other past investigators and part member family's to follow up with anyways. It's a huge area so we figured no big deal. Well, we went a couple places and then the last part member family up there was a couple named the ( first name with held).So we went up and visited them. At first he was kinda sneaky, but he warmed up quick. He showed us around the house up there and showed us all his way sweet old cars, snowboards, and other stuff. He was a way niceguy and he said we could come back anytime. After we finished our visits we thought, hey lets see where that one "Do not contact" lives just so we know in the future. We typed his address in the gps and it took us right back to the other nice guys house. We were confused. We went down the mountain trying to figure out if we had accidentally seen the mean "Do Not Contact guy" and he was just way nice. We asked Bro. Hall about it. He just started laughing. . . he then proceeded to tell us how a month or so ago there was an insurance agent sneaking around on this guy's property to see if he was just faking about his back problems so he could still be on disability. . . (which I guess he was) so when the guy saw him he shot him in the back! Crazy. So he's awaiting trial right now for attempted murder. . . we didn't believe Brother Hall at first but then he pulled up his face on the computer and it was totally the same guy! Needless to say we probably wont be sneaking around his bushes or stopping by for a drink for a while. Just funny, crazy mission story.
The Lord protects us even when we don't know we need it!
Well, I've got to get heading out. We just got done with an early session at the temple (THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD!!!) Now were going bowling hahaha. Oh and I totally went on Thanksgiving as well. Keeping the tradition alive!!!haha
Thanks for the letters and stuff...Sister Bezzant if your reading this "HEY!" haha
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
There's no one who speaks Spanish in our area. So that was me practicing my Spanish. . . This is a crazy rich area too, mostly Caucasian families with duel incomes. But I love it here! (Editor's note-He seems to love it everywhere!)
So this week has been nuts. It dumped snow all day Saturday and Sunday. Needless to say my arms are dead tired from shoveling for people. The Hill family called us and asked if we wanted to help them shovel all their neighbors walks. We shoveled about 25 driveways. It was nuts. So much fun though. I miss working hard like that. It's always nice to do some nice hard physical labor. We also had Zone Conference again. We were in charge, that's always fun. We had a great lunch. We always singto the people who feed us too, this time it was only 2 of them. And it was probably the best lunch we've had yet. We learned a lot during our Conference as well. Last time we learned about the Book of Mormon and focused a lot on that. This time it was all about baptisms. I loved it. It is weird being one of the older missionaries though. There are so many that have just left that I looked up to so much my whole mission, kinda weird. But it's all good. Our mission is pretty much the best too. I look at where it's come from and where it is now, its amazing. President Christianson is truly inspired. It's great to be able to see a lot of how the revelatory process works for our mission.
Either way I've got to roll out. . .
Love you all,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Elder Bragg
Monday, November 16, 2009
More snow for CO
Thursday, November 12, 2009
America is the best, isn't it!
So things are going well. Elder Brunton and I are making a lot of progress with the wards. We are working really hard on getting the 20 lessons a week program going in our wards. If you don't know what that is, you should ask about it. The bishop should know about it. It came from Elder Perry. So we are really trying to get that going.
I'm pretty excited, because the Columbine Stake Conference is coming up and we have an Apostle and a Seventy coming!! How sweet is that!! We are going to bring all our investigators!
Other than that we are just working really hard, slaving away, you know haha! It's the best. We have to get a missionary some where so I've got to go. Just know I love you all. Have a good week! Be thankful and Happy Thanksgiving!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mike got baptized
Sorry, yeah Mike Doyle got baptized, I thought I told you. It was way sweet. But now we've turned him over to the Singles Ward and he is doing great.
I don't have much time, transfers are tomorrow and Elder Wanket is heading out. It's been fun.
There are all these reorganizations going on in the mission, it's nuts. I'll have to tell you about them once there all official, but our Zone is splitting so we'll see how it turns out.
Elder Burton is going home, so that's lame. He's awesome. He is killing it, so I'm happy he's leaving on such a high.
Yeah, I've got to write a president's letter, so I'll chit chat with y'all later! Love ya!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tell everyone I said Happy Halloween!
It was funny I told Elder Wanket that we were going to Tahoe and he just went off for a while about how boring it is, haha. No worries, it will be a blast. We should rent a boat and a wake board though. That would be way fun. Maybe take some Mt bikes down there too. I'm sure there are some way good places to ride.
Things are going really well. It's dumping snow over here right now. I love it. Elder Burton and I had the most intense snow ball fight ever with our 2 companions! It was way fun. I'm glad I get to serve so close to him for his last transfer/ week! dang! haha.
Thanks for being the best mom ever and feeding those Elders in Oregon! I love talking to the ladies that feed us. They always take such good care of us.
Also you should send Elder Wanket a package....that would be way cool. He doesn't care about healthy stuff but maybe just tell him your happy he's serving! If you want. If not that's cool too. He's and awesome Elder.(Side Note~ I/Kay sent him a package the day before! Phew, glad I was listening to the spirit that day!)
Tell everyone I said Happy Halloween! I'm gonna be an Elder! It's the best!!! I have a great costume all picked out! And I'll have to show you a picture of my pumpkin after I do it. I got a good one in mind!
Anyways. I've got to go. Sister Hill from our ward is driving us cause the cars are parked due to the snow. Lame! She's the best though, so it's cool!
Night love ya see ya in the morning!!!!
Elder Bragg
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I got 28 emails
Things are going well. It's snowing a bunch here. I know, whats the deal, right!?
I got Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration book.
We taught seminary this morning. We had to wake up at 4:00 am. It was more intense then camping! haha Still funny!!!
Yeah, I got to go,
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lot's of Loves...
Elder Dunn is doing well, same area.
I think we are going to go bowling right now. . . yeah I got to practice cause i remember killing dad before i left and i got to keep up the streak haha. you can rub that all in his face if you want! tell him i love him when you do it too haha.
the baptism was awesome!!! i love those things! i haven't had one in a while so it was good. i got to do the missionary moment while they were changing. i love those. i got to share a basic first lesson and invite everyone to be baptized. . . or take the sacrament, whatever haha. it was way good though. you'll see pictures soon i'm sure.
also for the vacation i'm thinking we need to go to the church historical sites. i'm all about that. in fact I've been wanting to do that for a while. . . and if that doesn't work lets climb mt. Kilimanjaro! DO IT! you know you want to!! that's right i'm peer pressuring you into it. . . haha. either way ill be happy though. first one is my top choice.
also tell all those rm's they are the best and that i'll invite someone to be baptized for them! haha its way scary to think that stu is home. give him a big hug for me. and i also heard elder broud was coming home soon. let me know his address. i wrote him a letter like 6 months ago and then they want and changed the stamp prices so i was all lost and still haven't sent it haha.
well tell kristin thanks for the update, my package is still in gj haha, tell hd steroids are bad and i love him, tell zannie to preview all the new cd's coming out for me and tell me how they are, and tell mick that she should "take another drink and drive yourself home. i hope there's ice on all the roads. . ." she'll know the rest haha and you tell her i love her to.
oh fancy info of the week. . .. battle mountin does have a foot ball team! I've wondered about that since i was a little kid and i finally met someone from there. she said they were pretty good too haha. have fun doing your undercover missionary work!!!
Elder Bragg
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I got transferred
My address is:
Elder Bragg
C/O The Walton Family
7737 W. Chestnut Pl.
Littleton, Co 80128
I'm serving in the Chatfield and Columbine Wards,they are the greatest ever! I love it already ha-ha. Elder Penrod served here, Elder Burton served here, and Elder White served here. Now I'm in the club, way fun. I'm excited about this transfer and the progress we will be able to make! My companion is Elder Wanket ha-ha. He is the one I met in Dennys before I went to the MTC. It was pretty funny hearing I would serve with him for a while.
Oh and hey, if for a random mid mission present any one wants to give me a fist load of money so I can buy a couple books from Deseret Book that would be sweet. ha-ha Like Answers to Gospel Questions by Joseph F. Smith or Joseph Smith, A Rough Stone Rolling or mostly, I forget the name, but it's a book that 2 guys put together in dictionary form of a bunch of gospel topics answered by Joseph Smith in church history. So yeah, if you see any of those at a DI or something that would be sweet! ha-ha. . .
But yeah, things are going well. We are shooting for 4 baptisms by the end of the transfer, so it should be sweet. We are going to go hike so I'm gonna make like the early saints and head west! ha-ha. Love you all! I really appreciate all the support and love!
ELder Bragg
Friday, October 2, 2009
sick as a dog

Friday, September 4, 2009
BOM challenge
Elder Bragg, Mom read me your last e-mail. Sounds like some missionaries are calling you a missionary nerd?
If that is so, invite them to come down out of the large and spacious building, to get back on the straight and narrow path, get a hold on the iron rod and go tracking with you. The only reason they would call someone a missionary nerd is because their hearts have been pricked because they know they haven't decided to serve with all their heart , might, mind and strength. Many are called but few are chosen and why are they not chosen?....
Keep smiling and keep up the good work Elder Bragg! I'm sure Heavenly Father is well pleased with you and for what it's worth so am I! Your the best!
Hey Hey!! So tell dad his email was the best ever, haha. I was laughing way hard. It was better too cause I'm reading that part in the Book of Mormon right now. Oh and just so everyone knows we are reading the Book of Mormon again as a mission before Christmas as a present to the Lord! I'm excited. I loved it last year and I learned a lot. So if anyone else wants to join in again this year, you can! I remember some started and fell off. But let's do this together, because it's totally worth it. Plus, its the Book of Mormon. It's the most correct book in the world and a man can grow closer to God by abiding by its precepts then any other book! Can't get mush better then that!!
Anyways, I'm pooped, we tracted 50 hours last week. The mission's Standard of Excellence or what everyone's goal is for a week is 20 hours. The average is around 17 usually. . . well we like to try a little harder then that over in GJ! haha It was awesome. The Lord has definitely blessed us for our dedication
I've got to run. busy busy busy haha
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
and the Lord said; go to work
So we are tracting a lot this week. In fact, that is all we are doing. By the end of the week we should have about 44 hours. Usually we only get in about 17 or 18. The standard of excellence is 20 for our mission. So we are doing our best to exceed that. But I'm thinking all the other stuff we are supposed to do, like sit down lessons will suffer. haha. That's okay though, this is what this area needs, some good old fashioned work.
Oh and I found the coolest scripture ever the other day. It's the first line of Ether 2 :16 and the Lord said; go to work. haha I love it. It applies to everything we do. If we are going to get blessings in any way, it just takes some work.
Anyways. We need to go eat, then I think we might skip a little bit of p-day and go tract! haha I know I'm a loser even for a missionary. But hey, the only person you look cool for on a mission, is God. That's all that matters, right?! haha Love you all!!!
Have a great week and remember to do missionary WORK!!! haha
Elder Bragg Elder Bragg
c/o the Jarvis family
2872 Bear Canyon ct.
Grand Junction, Co 81503
Thursday, August 13, 2009
all I want for my wedding is a back yard full of trampolines
Tell dad he can take me golfing as much as he wants in a year or so. . . and mom don't worry all I want for my wedding is a back yard full of trampolines. . .I tried to do it once, but you smashed all my hopes and dreams remember?! haha.
So for this last week I have really had a little glimpse into being a parent of a 11 year old. . . I know right, learning and growing every day. I'm with Elder Jones (name changed to protect the innocent) right now. He is a great Elder and ready to do the work. I love it. He also likes touching everything he sees, haha. It's been way fun to try and help him out, though. He's heading back home to re-submit his papers to go back to the California, Santa Rosa mission. This transfer was a testing ground for him to see if he could handle the mission life again. I'm sure things will all work out the way the Lord has them planned.
Also transfers are tomorrow. . . I'm staying! I pretty much knew that 2 weeks ago. It should be fun. I'll get a new comp and I'm thinking this transfer we are going to just tract a lot. I'm on my second time through this area.
There's some lady next to me giving me advice on how to type on the key board! haha I have noticed that she kinda types the same way mom does. . . not using all the fingers. . .just the most important 2, haha!! I'll take all the help I can get. I ask the Lord for help every day! Just never thought it would come in the library lady for typing, haha.
Anyways, things are going well. We are working hard and doing our best to serve the Lord. Whelp. I've got to go help my comp do some packing for transfers, he's got lots of stuff. haha
Here is my new address. . .
Elder Bragg
c/o the jarvis family
2872 Bear Canyon ct.
Grand Junction, Co 81503
Feel free to write or send pictures or nice healthy treats! haha I'm grateful I get to help the Lord in this great work. There is no work that can bring greater satisfaction and happiness then this! Remember that!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I'm a single Zone Leader
Interesting news... Elder White is getting an emergency transfer back to Denver tomorrow. So I guess I am staying here and getting a missionary from the office for 2 weeks, haha, should be fun. And now I'm a single Zone Leader till next transfer. Let's hope I don't mess things up to bad! haha. Anyways, I'll miss Elder White. We got along really well, maybe too well sometimes.
I'm loving it out here. We have had great success lately and are finding a lot more people to teach. The ward is getting a new Ward Mission Leader! I'm way stoked on that!
I hope all will go well with the wedding and all that jazz. Let me know how everything goes!! And anyone can write me! haha LOVE YOU ALL!!
(ps. do the Lord's work . . . its always a good idea, trust me)
Elder Bragg
Friday, July 17, 2009
We just got off Mt Garfield
Things are going well here. But our zone for some reason decided to not work toO hard last week, so that was lame. Elder White and I had about 3 days total to work and we still got just as good of numbers as the rest of them. So after the Zone Conference (which was way awesome!!!) They were all pumped so we challenged them all to see who could have the best week. haha. They are all killing it. We are too. I think we'll still win. The Lord has been blessing us a lot. We are excited about that.
It sounds like all is well at home.
Three weddings for the Whitney's?? hahaha! Tell them congrats for me! (still weird though haha)
Whelp. I gotta go!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Prayers answered
I'm so happy for Seth also! I'm grateful that prayer was answered too! It really wasn't hard for me to go on a mission, it was always just something that I knew I was going to do. I know Seth will love it. I know he'll enjoy every minute of it, the good and the bad. As Elder Holland said, the dearly beloved companions are the ones that pushed him to the 10th degree. It's the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. I know he'll feel the same. Tell him to work hard and be happy. If I were to give any advice to some one about to go on a mission, it would be to first work hard. Don't slack off, don't waste your time and more importantly don't waste the Lord's time. Represent the Savior, don't disrespect him. And the other is be happy, every one who is disobedient does it because they think it will make them happy. Well, it wont, you just wind up more depressed. Enjoy the work. It's fun if you make it fun. . .
Anyways sorry about the ramblings.... Tell Seth I love and miss him and to have fun.
Well I've got a go. We had a good week. We are working hard and building up the ward here. Love you all!!! (God does too!! ooooohhhhh) ha-ha.
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
thunder cats are go
tys not dead so thats good. (Healthy and Happy)
matts a father.
im an uncle even more now.
mom and dad are now super grandparents. . . (all you have are 2 kids left to get grand kids out of and your stuck with the title of oldies) haha
and i got bit by a cat this week. . .
there you go. a bunch of useless statements. . .
anyways. this week was a little crazy again. we've been working hard but a lot has been going on. getting the baptism ready. trying to get 20 lessons a week. trying to track all the hours we can to find new investigator. . . and we came outside Friday morning and someone had taken a baseball bat to our back window about a bazillion times haha. so we were on bikes for a while. but it was pretty funny coming out and there was no back window at all. we maybe had a 4 inch line of glass around still on but the rest was in the back seat haha. and it happened to no other cars on the street either and there were other cars that would have been better to break anyways. the cops said they probably knew who we were and did it on purpose hahaha. total chumpkins. oh how great it is to be persecuted for the lord! so yeah that was fun. we took a bunch of pictures and stuff so you'll see those soon enough.
but other then that things are going pretty well. we are finding lots of new investigators and things seem to be moving in an upward trend. not to bad at all!
but we've got to go deal with some jazz so im gonna have to sign off.
Let me know how things turn out with mickie!
Love you all
Elder Bragg
ps. mickie your the coolest for saying thunder cats are go!!!!
Zone Conference
I hit a year out. . . WEIRD!!!! haha It doesn't seem like its been that long. But thanks everyone for your support!
If anyone wants to write me a letter. . .not that you have to. . . God gives us all agency! haha
Elder Bragg
C/O The Landes family167 29 1/2 rd.
Grand Junction, Co 81503
Love Elder Bragg
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Elder White and I started running. I'm now down to 160! oh yeah. I'm working on getting in better shape. We have been studying about nutrition and how it makes you feel. I'm learning a lot about the bad stuff we put in our bodies. It's not just about all the drugs, alchohol, smoke. It's cool, I've seen a big difference for me. Maybe in the next package you could send some home made granola for the morning! That would be sweet. Maybe Kristin could find a good recipe and learn to make it or something! ha-ha So yeah that would be cool, that's all I'm trying to say!
Elder White is way awesome. He was my Zone Leader when I came into the mission. So needless to say I'm learning a lot and we get along very well.
This next week is super packed too. We are going to Denver again for a meeting with Elder Shumway of the 70 and then he is going to hold a Zone Conference out here the next day, so that will be great being able to get to know him and hear all the great things I can learn from a General Authority.
I guess President Wynne, (Stake Pesident in the aera and we go to their house every Sunday night for a dinner and a lesson) is going to be the bad guy in a movie on the history channel. I'll figure out more about that. But you should watch it. He's an amazing guy and I learn a lot from that family. I'm even sure if you looked up Lee and Camarie Wynne online there would be a bunch on them. She's a great painter/ writer too and is writing a book for the Young Woman traits, like virtue, faith, knowledge. Pretty sweet.
Other than that, things are pretty normal. I'm way happy to be out serving God and doing my best. In fact I dont think I've ever been happier. ha-ha But, I do love and miss you all! Thanks for your support. Pray for the work to move forward!!!
Elder Bragg
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder Holland's last conference talk
Anyways, it was the last week of the transfer so we have been working pretty hard as usual. Everything seemed to just come together for us. Mike, Mikey and Julie were all baptized on Sunday. It was a great experience and they are way excited. The spirit was so strong there and this Sunday we will confirm them.
I found out i'm staying, but Elder Burton was called to be the Assistant to the President! hahaha I thought it was pretty great. Also Elder Pond is now a Zone Leader! haha That will be pretty Good too. I'm excited to see the changes in the mission and the new leadership that is coming in. It truly is incredible, the Lord is preparing missionaries left and right! It's great.
I think one of the best things that happened this week was a lesson we had with an older lady named Peggy. The spirit was so strong as we testified of the Savior and watched Elder Holland's talk from this last conference. its was great. After, we testified of the Savior. It was so great to be able the see that light that came into her eyes as we shared it with her. She has been struggling lately. As we shared and testified of how the Savior can help lift our burdens, we saw her become more and more attentive. Then she started to cry, then we started to cry. haha. It was great. I know the Savior can help us in times of need, or in times when we might not think we need it. But he is always there for us, always there to help us out. Listen to the talk by Elder Holland, I'm sure it can help everyone else too. Mom or Kristin, if you could attach that to the blog, that would be great. It's on,5232,23-1-1032-27,00.html
Elder Bragg
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Maybe you should try to get some non- members to help you with that patio extention and then accidently have the missionaries help as well. Then invite them to dinner with the missionaries ( you know since they are already there) and then have them share a spiritual thought aka - - - the restoration! haha I know I'm a genius. You can let me know how that goes!
LOVE YOU!! Sorry next week will be longer. . . oh and it was awesome talking to you!!!
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dang, you all made my birthday a VERY happy day!!
Thanks so much everyone for all the letters and packages!!!! I was so excited to get them all!!! Just one day I got 10 cards and a package! Dang, you all made my birthday a VERY happy day!!
What has been going on? So my bike has been being lame. The disc brakes take forever to fix and it takes up a lot of our time if they get messed up. And I want to just go work. I found an old road bike on the side of a house and the guy said I could have it. I'm going to put a little bit of $ into that and just send my other one home. Shouldn't cost too much either and it will save a lot of hassle. Then I could use the GT when I get home!! So that will be sweet.
Thanks for the picture mom. YOU MADE ME CRY, DANG IT!! haha I read the letter first and I hadn't seen the pictures yet. I figured I knew what it was, but I wasn't excepting MY tree!!! I loved it! It means a whole lot to me, so thank you.
One last thing. . . THE WINN FAMILY IS GETTING BAPTIZED!!!! I know right! I'm so excited. They are a great family and I can't wait. I'm sure you'll hear more later but I got to go. I love you all!! Thanks for everything!!
Love Elder Bragg
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Blog Stalker
Hey, hey! Yeah, this has been a crazy week, it always is now.
We just went hiking on Mt. Garfield! It was way fun. I'll send you pictures soon hopefully. so sorry about that.
We are working with a of family of 4, sharing the gospel! They aren't quite ready yet, the wife needs a bit more time. But its been great getting to know them, they are awesome. We are working hard and doing our best.
We have been riding our bikes a lot lately as well, trying to cut down on the miles for the car. We also had to give some trainings at some District Meetings and have one more tomorrow.
It's funny, last Mother's Day was my Farwell talk and now this Mother's Day I was asked to talk about mothers again! I love it. . . mostly cause of how much I love my mom!!!!!! See all those !'s I know right! Hey you should give me a time and a number to call in your next email. I get to talk to yawl. . . wow been out in grand junction only 3 weeks and look what happens. I start using yawls. . . not just using it TYPING IT!! Lameo for sure.
I'm way excited for my birthday too. Elder Burton and I have planned out 9 hours tracting that day, all day really! haha I'm way excited about it. I love tracting. And if any missionary tells you tracting is lame or ineffective you can punch him right in the nose for me! hahaha. I guess that wouldn't be Christ like.
Elder Bragg
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Getting ready for Zone confrence

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Grand Junction
I am now in GRAND JUNCTION COLORADO!! So picture it like this. . . . White City, but a bigger area. . . not as green and more dirt. ha-ha It's sweet! The people are so humble out here, it's great. We have been teaching so much! We have some great families I hope will accept the gospel.It's it great to be a missionary! Well, I think so! Elder Dunn got moved back into Metro! Yeah, I was bummed. But it's cool I guess. Maybe I'll serve with him sometime. My new companion in Elder Burton. He's so awesome! I love serving with him. He's a way funny guy and we get along very well. Oh man, we get free Sonic and Subway out here! I love that to. I'm in a car now, so we are going to start running in the morning so we don't get fat! But hey, my new address is . . .
Elder Bragg
C/O the Landes family
167 29 1/2 rd.
Grand Junction, Co 81503
That's right that one hundred and sixty seven on 29 and a half road. . . it's crazy how they do addresses out here. We live with the Stake President too which is cool. I love you all!!! Have a good week. Hand out a BOM this week!!
Elder Bragg!!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I’m getting transferred
How’s it going everybody? Sounds good about everything back home.
So boy, oh boy, was that conference awesome!!! I was so excited to watch it. There were so many great talks. Elder Holland’s was defiantly one of my favorites. Another one that hit home for me was . . . I’m not sure who it was, right before L. Tom Perry . . . Dang I forgot. Anyway, it talked about the hope of the gospel, how we will be with our family again.And did you hear the second to last talk!? DO MISSIONARY WORK!!!!!! jeez! haha. I liked that one a lot to. The best thing I learned from conference is that we need not fear. We have the gospel. Jesus is the Christ, and as long as we do our part we will be with our families and Father in Heaven again!This week has been great.
We have been working hard. But the bad news. . . . . . . . I’m getting transferred! I really wanted to stay another one, but oh well. The Lord knows best. We are going around saying good bye to a lot of the families and people I’ve gotten close to. It’s hard for me to say goodbye. But I know as I move to a new area I’ll meet great people and be blessed with a great relationship with them as well. I’ve got to go pack and do a bunch of stuff still! I love you and I’ll let you know where my new address is as soon as I get there! 6 months in the ranch! Not many can say they have done it!! It used to be considered the armpit of the mission! We are changed that way of thinking!! hahaha I’m outta here and off to the next place the lord wants me to be!!
Love You All!
Elder Bragg
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Mount Kilimanjaro
I've decided that when I get home we all are going to go on a trip to Africa and climb Mount Kilimanjaro. . . or however you spell it. But yeah, I'm dead serious. I really really want to. So we should. I keep on running into people who have and talking about it with them some how and it sounds way to cool. So yeah, get ready for that.
So things have been going really well over here. The district is doing really well. I had another baptismal interview to do yesterday. I love those things. I totally got the lady to cry at the end too. . . . not that that is the objective but she was definitely ready to be baptized, so it was a pretty neat experience. The funny thing is though, I'm district leader over the Highlands Ranch district. . . which is the entire Highlands Ranch Stake! haha So that interview was on the other side of the stake. It took like an hour and a half to bike there haha. No not really, but like an hour and 5 mins. It was nuts. But definitely good.
Also we are teaching a kid named Cody tonight. He's the biggest stud ever basically. We are going to challenge him to be baptized tonight unless the spirit says otherwise. It's going to be sweet. So I'm just praying everything will go well, haha.
Transfers are coming up real soon. So next email I'll find out what's going on. I figure I'm probably out of here. I've been here for 6 months now. Yeah i could see it, but you never know with President! Watch I'll stay here for the rest of my mission! haha Really I love it here, so I wouldn't mind to stay a while longer. Because, I will go, I will doo, right!?
Anyways we are working hard and doing our best! It has snowed really really hard a couple of times this week and of course we are still out working. Makes you feel like a better missionary haha.
I love you! Tell the fam I love them and miss them!! The 2 shirts in that package I sent home with the scriptures written on the back in sharpie were for Britany and HD for christmas!! haha A little late but what can you do! Tell Kristin I love her and miss her and her family as well. I really appreciate all the letters she sends, always makes the week better hearing about the family!
Anyways. . . love you!!
Night love ya, see you in the morning!!!!
Elder Bragg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Howdy Dowdy!
Sounds like everyone had a super week!. . .actually, sounded pretty boring, I'm not gonna lie.
We've had a pretty intense week. Not too much happened at the start but it picked up. It all started with Friday when we found out that a guy that we've had on our radar for a bit, wanting to teach. His brother (who was taking the lessons in the Arapaho Stake) had cancer and his kidneys failed. They didn't think he would make it through the night. They gave him a blessing and he somehow pulled out of it for a bit. . . he was doing better and we just found out he's going a little down hill again. Kinda way lame. Hopefully once he gets better he is going to move in with his brother. . . who is in our ward boundaries. . . aka. we get to teach him. On Sunday we went to the hospital to see him, it was a good visit. . . oh and tell brother Schmidt that he is the greatest guy ever, just walking into that hospital was the most depressing thing in the world! The critical care unit is such a downer! That's why the gospel really does bless families!
Sunday night we went and stopped by a less active families house and they let us in. We wound up talking to them and their Columbian maid for a while. It was awesome! We are going to start teaching the maid. She wants to take the lessons, watch Finding Faith in Christ, cook us columbian food, read and pray about the Book of Mormon, and have her baby blessed in Sacrament meeting! haha So totally out of the blue. I love the doors that God opens when you work hard!
We went to Wendy's today with some other Elders and they both got their bikes stolen straight up out of the middle of the parking lot. This guy just came up clipped their lock off, put it in his van and drove off. . .like it was nothing. He didn't get ours cause we have a BIG FAT U LOCK. We pretty much got to talk to cops all of our preparation day! Nuts right?!
On Monday we were tracting and our goal for the mission is to get 10 baptismal invitations every week per companionship. . . we totally got 10 in one day! haha We were asking everyone if they wanted to be baptized. It was awesome. And surprise, we got some good return appointments too!!! I love being a missionary! . . . not District Leader though.I don't seem to get as muchsleep! Well, its not that bad. I get to serve a lot so it's cool, I guess.
Love you all!! Good to know that LAN akaLaycee Ann is doing well. And you tell the little Shmuck inside Mickie to start those Kindely going better. haha. Shmuck. . . such a funny word. LOVE YOU ALL!!! Have a great week. Share the gospel with your friends!!!
Love Elder Bragg
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Bike problems
Love Elder Bragg
Thursday, February 26, 2009
6 straight months
Tell Jordan and Michaela I said congrats and that they should name it Gideon or Colton if its a boy, hahaha, either one is good.
Crazy week over here. First off, thanks for the camera, way studly! It came just in time too. Ryan was baptized on Sunday night. Over 100 people were there and if you couldn't feel the spirit, you didn't have a pulse. I was extremely blessed with the opportunity to confirm him. and share a brief testimony of the Savior while they were changing. I read Romans 5:8 (learned that in seminary, Thanks Bro Hassell!) and then talked about the importance of it. It was a great meeting. I'll send pictures and stuff soon.
Oh yeah, we found out Elder McMurray and I are staying together, should be fun. I'm one of the few who can say they spent 6 straight months in the ranch! haha. I'm a district leader. . . yeah don't know why either, I think I'd rather just teach. haha But hey, I will go I will do, right?
Love you all and do more missionary work!!!
Love Elder Bragg
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sharing is caring
Hey Hey!! Sorry this will be short.
I'm feeling a lot better! Still sick, but I can get to work so it's cool.
This week we were dedicated to doing our best, to get 70 Quality Gospel Conversations. Always a hard goal, but that's what the Mission President has asked us to do, so we will. Anyways, by Sunday we had to get 23 in one day to finish with 70. So we had a prayer before we left and went to town. It was really neat to see how the Lord just provided for us when we needed it. He put everyone and their dog in our path, all we had to do was talk to them. Elder Pond and I had our record of 32 in one day, that was pretty tough. It turns out on Sunday we got 57 making our total 104 for the week (that's right 104... for life!) 57 is now the new mission record. I love how the Lord will bless us, even more than we know, when we are willing to do what he asks. We just need to trust him.
ALSO... Ryan has decided to get baptized and I get to be the one to confirm him. I'm so excited for his choice. Oh, and I gave him a tie to wear to his baptism. Sharing is caring, right!I love being a missionary! It's the greatest thing in the world! I love you all and remember to share the gospel with people!
Elder Bragg
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sister Gillespie
Dear Sister Bragg,
My name is Lauren Gillespie and I am in the Daniel's Park Ward here in Highlands Ranch, CO. My husband, Jeremy, is the Ward Mission Leader in the ward and through his calling we have had the privilege to spend quite a bit of time with your son.
This morning for Valentines Day we had Elder Bragg and Elder McMurray over for breakfast and we made scones. Elder Bragg was so excited about the scones and told us all about the scones that you make for your family. When I told him that I would like to email you today he asked me to tell you that he loves his Valentines tie (he was wearing it proudly) and he would like it if you would please add my maple frosting to your scone repetoire. In our family we combine butter, vanilla, powdered sugar, milk and maple flavoring to make a "frosting" that we smear on the scones. Apparently it was a hit with Elder Bragg and he wanted me to pass the recipe on to you. There aren't exact measurements, just a little of each ingredient until it tastes good! I hope your family enjoys it.I am mother to three girls and although they are all under the age of five, I can appreciate what a sacrifice it is for you to give your child up for two years and send him to do the Lord's work. If I were in your position I would wonder what my child was like as a missionary, and how he spoke of his family back home. This thought is what prompted me to email you today.
I think you should know that Elder Bragg is ALWAYS cheerful. Yesterday afternoon he and his companion were tracting in my neighborhood and showed up on my doorstep to use the bathroom. The temperature had dropped and it was freezing cold outside and their lips were looking pretty blue. So while they used the restroom I made them a cup of cocoa and chatted with them for a few minutes and sure enough, there were no complaints about their hard lot, they were both just as postive and cheerful as any other day!
Your son's other distinguishing characteristic is that he talks about his family all the time. He adores you guys. I have never, ever heard him make one negative comment or insinuation about his childhood or homelife, in fact to talk to him you'd think that he absolutely had the best childhood and the best life ever. I've heard detailed descriptions about your family traditions, holiday memories, things Elder Bragg likes to do with his dad...I was particularly impressed that you play football in the TurkeyBowl and managed to break an Elder Coffman's ribs:). He just loves you so much. As a mother I'm constantly touched by his devotion and felt like you should hear from a third party what a terrific job you have done in raising such a happy, righteous son of God.
Elder Bragg is a hard worker and he is just so happy and sincere all the time. It has been our pleasure to know him and have him in our home and we hope that your family is blessed in his absence until he is safely returned to you.
Yours Sincerely,
Lauren Gillespie
Thursday, February 12, 2009
dang excited to see all the hefty e mails im getting this week! haha got a whole 3 and one was from the mission haha. its cool.
anyways this week has been a real test of patience for me. its been insane. so i emailed you and everything was awesome. then that night whail sharing a spiritual message i had to split in the middle for a bathroom break. it was at the stake patriarchs house too. she said i turned white as a goast is like 3 seconds. so we went home and called the mission presidents wife and she told me to sleep it off. i then woke up the next morning threw up some more and then went out to work. asfter not making it very far we came back and sister christison told me to stay home and sleep. i hate staying home on a mission. there are never any people to talk to in our room. its frustrating haha. then the next day we had to stay in again cause the same thing happened. then i didnt feel better till monday so we went out that morning. i took us about an hour to bike to the place we were gonna tract cause i kept almost passing out haha. then we got pulled over by a cop hahaha. then we were knocking on doors and out of about 30 , 1 person came to the doorthen i almost passed out again so elder mcmurray made me go home and take a nap. . . and im still at about 50%. so the bike riding isnt going very fast but its cool. we are getting there. haha so yeah its been a fun week. but the reason im telling you is because as everyone knows. when things get rough and tough and you put your trust in the lord he will bless you. now no we dont have any baptizms yet or anyone like that. we are working really hard to find them. but not yet. infact we are goign to get about 32 hours of tracting in this week. haha. the mission standard is 20 haha. but it has all been worth it. when ryan ( the investigator in willow creek that we had) called and said he got excepted to byu idaho! i was so excited. we became really close as we were teaching him and he is a great guy. so i was way excited. . . then the next day he called and told me he has just set a date for his baptizm!!! i was so excited for him. ive been praying for that for a long time and now was the right time for the lord to make it happen. so needless to say i am pretty excited. i mean sure. he dosent count as a baptizm for us but hes a good friend and i was able to partisipate in his salvation. and im very thankful for that opertunity.
eather way. with trials. come blessings! im excited to see we happens next!. . .
( i need to write a sweet action novel on this or something.)
but ive got to go. im hackin up a lung in the library and everyone is looking at me funny haha
Elder Bragg
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Elder McMurray and I were thinking of analogies this week. I was thinking how not accepting the gospel is like having some one tell you they had a bazillion dollars for you. . . and they want to give it to you. All you have to do is give them one dollar. . . but they really want a Choco Taco with that dollar. So they buy one of those instead. . . they could have bought the whole Chocó Taco company, but nope, they wanted just one, I guess. It always makes me sad.
Which brings me to the Viviers, they dropped us this week. I love that family. I know that the gospel would bless their lives so much more then they even know. But they don't want to give up that one dollar for a bazillion dollars/blessings). They will eventually join the church, then will kick themselves for not doing it sooner.
Also Elder McMurray and I have been working really hard, trying to be the best we can. . . and it turns out last week we had the worst numbers I have ever had in Highlands Ranch. . . so as I fasted and prayed about it. I realized that the Lord would bless us only after ALL that we can do. . . so I thought about that (Am I doing all that I can do?) How much more I can do. . . THERE'S TONS!!! So we started with our lunch hour, that's the max we can take. You know, for those people who eat food and stuff. I decided, with the support of Elder McMurray that going home for lunch and taking a full hour is a waste of time, eating and quick naps are for chumps. hahaha We are just gonna bring the food with us in the morning and eat for 15-30 minutes, then keep tracting. We are trying to find 20 new investigators in the next week. We are pretty much tracting 6 hours a day and working with members and less active/pmf's in the afternoon for referrals. haha It seems to be working out. But next Sunday is the real test, when we turn in the numbers. But my faith is strong and I know we can do it. The Lord will provide! Brother of Jared style, hahaha!!
Anyways, I love you all and have a great week. Be great missionaries! I'm trying my best too!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Happy Missionary Hahaha
Oh and tell Halley and all the Schmidt's that I miss them, love them and still NEED a family picture of them! haha I use Shaner's conversion story every once in a while for stuff, never gets old. And don't worry, I never disclose any names or anything, to protect the innocent, haha.
This week has been insane! Remember, last week we found like 15 new investigators, way exciting, I know. So this week we dropped about 13 old potential investigators. Yeah sad I know, but they weren't ready to hear it yet so their time will come. ( plus we shared it with them anyways haha) So now we can focus on the people who will progress!!!! haha Oh man, and we totally fired up the Daniels Park Ward this week with the help of a member! It's been awesome seeing them get excited about the work and start fellowshipping their neighbors and things.hahaha
Today I learned how to solve a rubix cube by myself without anyone helping me! Never thought that would happen, hahaha.
One of our investigators works for the Broncos and has 2 super bowl rings from when they won back to back! haha We took some funny pictures with them on. Never thought I would even touch one of those. . . or care really, but hey funny stuff, hahaha.
I've got to write president now, so love you!
Share the gospel! (a good way to do that is talking to people about it)
Elder Bragg
(Editors note- I just couldn't take any hahaha's out after he said how he was a happy missionary, usually I edit out about half)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I got my greeny
Anyways, this last week has been pretty incredible. The Lord is definitely with us. Elder Pond got transfer out to Grand Junction with Elder Dunn who is the District Leader now, cool.
I got my greeny haha. I know I have always worked really hard my whole mission, but now for some reason I find myself biking harder and longer then before, knocking more doors, talking to everyone even if we already have 5 times haha. (happened a couple of times in fact a couple already know me by name haha). I'm trying to be the best teacher and example I can. I know I was trying as hard as I could before but now it seems like I have more strength, more love, and more willingness then ever before. I love it! I know that if we work as hard as possible this transfer that the Lord will bless us with a baptism as well. I'm excited for that.
My new companion is from Alberta Canada about 10 min away from Montana. He's a pretty studly kid. haha. It was funny, I've been doing the same things to him that Elder Penrod did to me. We were talking to these people and he was saying something, but then I saw someone else down the road walking there dog so I excused myself and let him take it away. haha It was fun. I remember being so scared the first time, but then when it was all said and done I was happy it happened. It was cool seeing how excited he was that he could do it on his own, not that he ever really has to, because we are always within sight and sound. He's a good kid and a hard worker, so I'm excited to train him. His first couple of days were cake compared to mine, no cops, no really really angry people, and no one even swore at us; way lucky. Since he came we have found almost 15 new investigators, way out of the ordinary! But hey, if things keep going like this we'll baptize all of Highlands Ranch!! I would love that! Everything is going awesome and that the Lord's work is progressing!
Oh yeah, I spoke in Sacrament Meeting this week. It turned out pretty well. I talked all about missionary work and how much the gospel has blessed our lives so we should share it with everyone. It was cool.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Keep the faith!
Love , Elder Bragg
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Trainer/ Transfers
This week has been a crazy week, a great one, but still a little crazy. Transfers are this Thursday and we got the call. I found out I'm staying. I'm pretty happy about that. But Elder Pond is outta here, kinda sad. It's been a pleasure serving with him. But change is good.
I found out I'm going to be training a new missionary. There are 5 new missionaries coming in this transfer. I kinda feel inadequate. We had a meeting yesterday morning that kinda talked about training, there were 3 old Zone Leaders an old AP and me. haha. The whole time I was thinking, what am I doing here. . . . I don't think I really fit in that category yet. The Lord calls who he will and I know that with his help I can do all this just like Ammon says in alma 26 : 12. I think that's it. (I've got to work on my scripture knowledge) Anyways, I'm very grateful for the opportunity to serve in this way and be able to have this learning experience.
Oh man and funny story, right after I find out I'm getting a greenie, the 2nd counselor calls and asks if I can give a talk in Sacrament Meeting haha. It would be funny to have the newbie do it on his first Sunday, hahaha! I don't think I'll make him. But yeah, it should be interesting, but I'm sure it will be a great transfer. The work is progressing and the wards are awesome. We just have to work hard and have faith. . . and I can do that!
I am sending a package home today if I get time and it will have a bunch of stuff in it. But there will be 2 shirts in there for HD and Brit for Christmas. . . haha! January is better then late May right, Zannie! haha!
Oh man, at the Walgreens here they have shirts for 5 bucks that say Colorado all over them. . . and if they have Oregon ones over there, I would love some of those! I've got to represent Oregon. I talk about how awesome it is enough anyways, haha. If you could check that would be sweet! thanks! I'm sure the next email will be a lot more eventful, haha! LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Keep us missionaries in your prayers! We need all the help we can get!
Elder Bragg
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I love being an instrument...
And today was a Temple Wednesday, so I don't have much time left. . . and I had a bazillion emails. . . never a bad thing. I loved it! Oh man, thanks a bunch for the sweaters and stuff. So awesome! I needed some warm cloths. I've been freezen' my neenees of over here! haha! But I can't complain, I get to be a missionary! Can life get any better? I submit that it cannot! I got the boots too, just in time! It snowed to next day. haha Pretty epic, but yeah, they're awesome.
So we have this investigator named John, who is just about the coolest guy ever! We met him outside playing with remote control cars, haha. He's going to come to church! And there is a french family we are going to start teaching this week too. Hopefully I can stay here another transfer, I think 2 of them will probably get baptized! I know right!
I love being an instrument. . . anyways if you really want to know my feelings on missionary work read in Alma when Ammon is talking to Aaron and others about how awesome missionary work is! It's one of the greatest chapters ever. I think that would be good to give a training on in District Meeting tomorrow. I think it's 29 or so. Just in time, I finished the BOM the day after Christmas! haha! Close enough, I say! It was so awesome. I always learn a lot from that book. I know it might not seem like it but I think I've grown up a lot on my mission.
I loved talking to you all at Christmas! Maybe the speaker phone will work next time too, haha. Remember, with great sacrifice comes great blessings, and I'm pretty sure the hardest sacrifice is not talking to my family and loved ones. It's cool though. The mission is the greatest place ever. I know it's not really a place. . . but being a missionary is the greatest blessing I think I've ever had. Other than my family and the great friends I have, I wouldn't have even realized how awesome those are unless it were for my mission.
So pretty much persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calamity may defame. . . but the truth of God forward! The only way Satan is getting my home is getting hit by a bus (I knocked on wood it's cool) haha.
On a sadder note, Elder Bryson went home last week. (One of Colton's old mission companions) It was an honorable release. He struggled sometimes, but he was a good missionary. I think it's for the best. I'm just glad he got to serve for a while!
Love you all!
Thanks again!
Elder Bragg